View Full Version : Ships ladder

2003-11-11, 01:51 AM
Has anyone created a ships ladder(highly sloped stair) and how?

2003-11-11, 02:18 AM
There are a couple of access ladders HERE (www.rugi.org/cgi-bin/steelexch.pl) on RUGI, which may be suitable as is, or could probably be adapted to your requirements.

If not, you can build a family by placing some sloping reference plans and using sweeps for the rails and rungs. Adjusting the number of rungs for parametric height is a bit more involved though, so you may want to make an in-place family that suits your particular design to start with.
Have a look at how the RUGI ones were done as a starting point.

2003-11-11, 02:29 AM
None of the ships ladders I've used from RUGI or the Autodesk Revit content on the web are truly parametric...try changing heights and such and they go haywire...so buyer beware.

A parametric ladder is certainly possible but a solid understanding of arrays in families will be required.

If you're short on time it will be faster to build a single purpose ladder to learn the basics of family construction and later try to make it parametric.

Oh, if you are looking for the alternating tread style, I don't recall seeing one of those.

2003-11-11, 04:10 AM
I guess I'll try the in place family approach but I was hoping for a premade one. :( Oh well. The ones on RUGI are straight ladders rather than highly sloped stairs. Thanks for the quick responses.

2003-11-11, 04:22 AM
Don't use an In-place family...make a separate family, just don't worry about it being truly parametric to get your task done. Plenty of time for that later...