View Full Version : 2014 Curtain Wall Patron Panels+Render Problem

2013-10-03, 10:58 AM
Hi guys!

I'm new to this forum, I've been searching a lot but i can't seem to find a solution (which for sure it's very easy to solve).

The trouble I'm in, is that I did a Mass, and divided it's surface in rhombos, so I could add my custom Pattern to it. I did a Patron and I added materials to it (yellow glass for tha glass, and metal for the structure of it). I exported this to the project and I saw it perfect, but when I try to render it, it only messes everything up and it shows all glass transparent. It won't do a yellow semitransparent glass anywhere.

I also would like to add some more colors (yellow, green, blue and red) to my System, but I can't select any panels, it just goes again to Mass and I can't do the things I want.

I would like to know if someone could help me solve the render problem, if it is possible to change the colour of a single glass of a curtain wall made by pattern (I can't select them) and if it is possible to do a curtain wall with rhombos without using patterns.

Thank you in advance, Alex.

Here are some photos:9368093681 (those are the colors I want it to be not only yellow but red, blue and green)

93682 this is how I see it when it's rendered, as you can see, the colors have gone

2013-10-03, 07:00 PM
Hey, Alex. Welcome to the forum!

First the glass material color problem: I think you've changed the display color without changing the render color. In the material editor, you probably changed the Color under the Graphics tab > Shading. You need to change the color under the Appearance tab. Create four glass materials, one for each color. In each one, change the color in both the Graphics tab in the Appearance tab. To change the color in the Appearance tab, make sure you duplicate the Asset so you can have four different types of glazing. It's confusing at first, but it starts to make sense the more you use it.

As for changing the pattern, you can definitely do that. In the Curtain Panel by Pattern family, select the glass object and add an instance material parameter to it. In the Conceptual Mass family, you'll be able to use Tab to select an individual panel (not in the project!). Then you can change the material of that individual panel because it is an instance parameter.

If I haven't been clear enough, feel free to ask more questions.

2013-10-03, 09:20 PM
Many thanks :)! I will try this and tell you the result!

Edit: I tried it and worked fine :) many thanks! 93690 By the way, i have another problem with that thing.

As you can see in this pictures 93691 there is a rhombo that I haven't drawn. In the lower part of my structure, when i put the mass into my project, it appears there. Any tips on how can I get rid of it?

And as you can see in this other one 93692 I can't do all the mass as just ONE surface, I have to do two surfaces, one for half the mass and the other the other half. This would be completely fine if it wouldn't overlap the center lane of rhombos. It overlaps the center lane and it is just ugly, I would like it to be all a continuous surface.

In short, the top rhombo and the overlaping of the center rhombos, how could I get rid of them?

Many thanks for your response, and thanks in advance for this one, Alex.

2013-10-04, 12:53 PM
I think the top rhomboid is a glitch and I don't have any ideas to fix it without opening the model.

As for the joint, this is always a problem with paneling surfaces with non-rectangular/non-triangular panels. In the conceptual mass family, select the subdivided surfaces and look at the Properties. The first parameter is "Border Tile". By default, it is set to Partial. If you set it to Empty, the triangular panels will disappear. To replace them with a complete panel, you have to do it manually with an Adaptive Component (AC). The AC can look and act just like the Pattern-based panel, but you place each one individually.

One thing I've done in the past is START with an AC. For rhomboid patterns, it would be a simple AC with 4 points. Then instead of creating the same thing again as a pattern-based panel, load the AC into the a pattern-based family and place it at the nodes of the pattern. Now, you have one panel to update and change as you work on your project, but it can either act individually as an AC or automatically on the surface as a pattern-based panel.

2013-10-05, 12:07 PM
Thanks again for your response! I'm gonna work to learn more of Revit tricks, have a nice day:)