View Full Version : 2014 Model behavior after mirror operation unexpected

2013-10-17, 02:59 PM
A project (the very first our firm produced with revit in 2010) had been completed to 100% cd, then went on hold due to site issues. Project has recently come back, new site, however the building needs to be oriented opposite its original position to work on new site. Model was updated to 2014, then mirrored in total (mirror project). Parts of the model have responded unexpectedly by reconciling out of place. Column grids heads, level tags and lines, and section tags in particular have shifted or in the case of the sections appear flag opposite of their true orientation.
Ive gone back and corrected column grid (head) positions, and section positions, but now some column grids arent able to be selected, and i swear they reversed their positions to be the opposite of where i relocated them to be! some grids highlight with my mouse hovering over and im able to select them (tab also) others do not. they appear, but are completely untouchable. im the only one working in the model right now. what could be the cause, and most importantly what can be done about this behavior?


2014-04-15, 06:41 PM
2014 has some new features one of which is a toggle that allows you to select (or not select) pinned items. It is the thumbtack in the lower right corner. See the attached file for a clip showing the location. Hope this helps you out (or whoever else is having this problem).