View Full Version : 2013 Project Completion Phase Gray

2013-10-22, 02:51 PM
I am trying to print some 3D views, both just the 3D view and some perspectives created by using the camera. I have existing items and new items, not wanting them to show up differently, I'm setting my images to the "project completion" phase. When I use that phase combined with "None" for the phase filter, everything looks like it's black and white. But then it doesn't show some new doors/windows, it shows the items I've demo'd. So I use the phase filter "show previous + new", but when I do that, the whole thing turns gray.

I've looked through the VG settings to see if I can find a setting to change with no luck. I've searched the internet and this forum with no results. If you have some suggestions, I'd be interested. Right now, I'm printing to a pdf, then printing to our copier at half scale size. The images are way too light on the page to see.


2013-10-22, 08:35 PM
Set your phase to 'New Construction' and your Phase Filter to 'Complete'. This will show all new and existing to remain work, w/o showing the demo. 3D views also have scales associated with them, so you might need to mess with them as well.

Jeff S.