View Full Version : Another hatch pattern issue!

2003-11-11, 07:07 PM
Has anyone effectively aligned or adjust a model surface hatch pattern applied to a surface of an extruded solid. Walls, ceilings and floors all work fine but for some reason solids are a different animal. The atached jpeg shows a dimension I would like to be 0" as opposed to 55/64" as shown. Any ideas????

2003-11-11, 07:35 PM
"I do not think that word means what you think it means."
-Inigo Montoya

"I do not think that picture shows what you think it shows."
-Greg Cashen

Now I see it, though it is very small and barely perceptible from that pov.

2003-11-17, 01:30 PM
Select the solid and goto edit family. then align the hatch and select finish family. the hatch pattern can only be edited in edit family mode.Sorted :lol:

2004-02-04, 04:14 AM
So, I am trying to figure out how to align the hatch pattern on the standard Rectangular Column family that ships with Revit. I have used this column in a project as a CMU column, but the hatch pattern won't align on it. I have verified that the hatch pattern is a model pattern, so don't even ask ;)

Should I make a new family that is just for Masonry Columns, apply the pattern and be the insert it? What gives?

2004-02-04, 05:30 AM
Greg I tried on both standard and structural. Doesn't seem to work on either. I had same Problem, eventually did Filled Region over it, :screwy: which is not what we want!!

Wes Macaulay
2004-02-04, 05:36 AM
"I do not think that word means what you think it means."
-Inigo Montoya
Am I going mad, or did the word THINK escape your lips?

2004-02-04, 05:45 AM
Same problem here with the metric version of the Rectangular Column family.

I tried other surface patterns also, but still broke.

Another one for support to look at.

2004-02-04, 05:50 AM
[quote:2a3c4be90f="gregcashen"]"I do not think that word means what you think it means."
-Inigo Montoya
Am I going mad, or did the word THINK escape your lips?[/quote:2a3c4be90f]

I am typing. There are no lips involved. At least not on this website...

I don't know what that means. Sorry.

2004-02-04, 05:53 AM
The problem I have with putting the material definition (and therefore the hatch pattern) in the column family is that the alignment may not be right in evey case depending on where in the wall the column is...so the hatch will essentially be aligned but will repeat on some walls. I am going to live with it for now and hope that a workaround comes by the time CDs are needed...

Guess I'll be contacting Revit Support tomorrow...again...

2004-02-04, 11:55 AM
[quote:5841802137="metanoia"][quote:5841802137="gregcashen"]"I do not think that word means what you think it means."
-Inigo Montoya
Am I going mad, or did the word THINK escape your lips?[/quote:5841802137]

I am typing. There are no lips involved. At least not on this website...

I don't know what that means. Sorry.[/quote:5841802137]

It's another quote from the same book/movie..."The Princess Bride".

2004-02-04, 04:12 PM
Steve, I understood his comment...I didn't understand mine. :roll:

Wes Macaulay
2004-02-04, 05:21 PM
Vizzini's phrase used in this situation had zero relevance to the actual thread. Really, I'm just trying to get my post count up :lol:

Some people might find it totally, utterly, and in all other ways inconceivable that I would go to such lengths...

The reality is that I've never run into this problem, and often use generic models when I can't get the other family types to comply with my nefarious wishes.

2004-02-04, 10:09 PM
Regarding Revit, this forum, you guys...all I can say is it must be "wuv, twoo wuv"

2006-11-07, 07:03 PM
this deserves to be brought up again. Please let us align hatch patterns on columns and components. Or at least say why we can't.

2006-11-23, 10:10 PM
Maybe we should start



Thank you


Adam Mac
2006-11-24, 05:22 AM
Can i just say........

this was one of the most confusing threads i've ever read.!?

2006-11-24, 03:19 PM
Can i just say........

this was one of the most confusing threads i've ever read.!?

I actally thought I'd forgotten how to read!