View Full Version : 2013 Deleting it all...

2013-11-13, 02:51 PM
I have read through many posts and I find they don't really help with the issue I am having. I am setting up a new template and I want it to be empty, bare, blank, clear, nothing... got me? Now I purge and I audit and that takes out a lot, but now is where I run into my issue. When I go into purge there is the 'View items you cannot purge' and there is a LOT of things that won't purge (text styles, blocks, materials, linetypes, etc.) I don't get this. I have everything deleted. There is not one line, piece of text, block, dot, NOTHING in my drawing. How can I get rid of all these things? I want this to be a blank drawing in which I can decide as I am working "Oh the client wants 'this' font and 'that' linetype" and insert them as I please. I do not want it cluttered with all these other things that don't want.

An example: I select the linetype DHW2 and it says:

This linetype cannot be purged if:
-- It is assigned to a layer.
-- It is used in the drawing.

I have 2 layers, 0 and Defpoints, with both of them using a 'Continuous' lintetype.
There is nothing in my drawing so it ISN'T being used in the drawing.

If anyone could please help by telling me how to rid my drawing of these things (without downloading some third party plugin or using some LISP command) or explain to me why I can't I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance!

*Using Autocad MEP 2013

2013-11-13, 03:02 PM
If you are trying to start with a clean drawing, you can start a new drawing without a template as the base. In the New dialog box, click the small down arrow button to the right of the open button.

As you are using a vertical app, some items may not purge if they are being used within the MEP styles.

2013-11-13, 03:06 PM
I believe you at least will need to have layer (0) zero, a text style and a dimension style (usually named "Standard")

What happens of you draw a line on layer zero and WBLOCK that out to a new file?

have you checked your block definitions within your file?
Have you purged reggapps?

Do you have any basic AutoCAD temaplates like "acad.dwt"?
That should have nothing extra, you could start a "new" file with that.

Just some thoughts

2013-11-13, 03:12 PM
If you are trying to start with a clean drawing, you can start a new drawing without a template as the base. In the New dialog box, click the small down arrow button to the right of the open button.

As you are using a vertical app, some items may not purge if they are being used within the MEP styles.

Holy C@rp, I never knew that existed!

Thanks Opie!

2013-11-13, 03:19 PM
Geez-us, that was easy! I never knew it existed either tedg!

A "main" issue I was having was cleaning up a client's drawing. I would insert a block and the text of the block would be in Times New Roman even though it should be Simplex. I then explode the block, select the text, and it would say it was Simplex though it was clearly Times New Roman! I went into -styles and they had text styles pointing to different fonts (example Style: Arial = Font Name: Romans) and I would point things in the right direction, but yea... it didn't work. Still don't know why it would change the font of my block to whatever it wanted, but I got a question answered today and that feels pretty damn good!

Thanks Opie!

2013-11-13, 03:26 PM
Holy C@rp, I never knew that existed!

Thanks Opie!

You should push all the buttons at least once. ;)

2013-11-13, 03:54 PM
Holy C@rp, I never knew that existed!

Thanks Opie!

Nor did I...!?! I've always just WBLOCKed a line on "0" layer, and brought in my LandXML to expedite a 'clean' C3D model. http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/images/smilies/rofl.gif

Cheers, Opie http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/images/smilies/beer.gif

*Off to push buttons *

2013-11-13, 08:30 PM
we seem to learn something new everyday. I did not even know that and I've been using autocad since dos ver 2.6

2013-11-13, 08:49 PM
we seem to learn something new everyday. I did not even know that and I've been using autocad since dos ver 2.6

I know what you mean... I haven't been using Acad that long, but since R12.

And then Opie just chimes in and writes (paraphrasing) "well, why don't you just do this and that..." and walks away like everyone is supposed to know that!


@ Opie = :beer:

2013-11-13, 08:56 PM
I know what you mean... I haven't been using Acad that long, but since R12.

And then Opie just chimes in and writes (paraphrasing) "well, why don't you just do this and that..." and walks away like everyone is supposed to know that!


@ Opie = :beer:

You mean they don't? :confused:

2013-11-13, 08:56 PM
I know what you mean... I haven't been using Acad that long, but since R12.

And then Opie just chimes in and writes (paraphrasing) "well, why don't you just do this and that..." and walks away like everyone is supposed to know that!


@ Opie = :beer:

You mean they don't? :confused:

2013-11-13, 09:08 PM
turn filedia off, type new, and at the prompt use "."

GUIs are overrated.:mrgreen:

(quick memory quiz: What was the text menu choice in DOS/VMS/Unix versions to create a new drawing?)

2013-11-14, 12:13 AM
turn filedia off, type new, and at the prompt use "."

GUIs are overrated.:mrgreen:

(quick memory quiz: What was the text menu choice in DOS/VMS/Unix versions to create a new drawing?)

Well, waaay back, you entered a number from the front menu before starting the actual programme.

I don't remember the actual menu because I used to type a lot of stuff into a blank screen, go for coffee, walk around the works and return as the editor was appearing on-screen. :)

2013-11-14, 12:20 PM
Well, waaay back, you entered a number from the front menu before starting the actual programme.

I don't remember the actual menu because I used to type a lot of stuff into a blank screen, go for coffee, walk around the works and return as the editor was appearing on-screen. :)

yeah, those were the days. stuffing the keyboard buffer full of enough characters to keep acad running while I took care of essentials, like coffee!