View Full Version : 2013 Best practice for bring Millwork from the Arch. model into my kitchen design model?

2013-11-15, 08:44 PM
I am working for a kitchen equipment supplier and I am needing to bring in Millwork/Casework from the Architectural model into my own model. I have two issues -

One - The Architect put sinks into their model that my company is going to provide. I need to be able to tag these sinks. My first thought was to copy monitor them, but Revit will not let me select anything in the "casework link". Do I need to physically copy these items out of the case work file? or am I doing something wrong with the copy monitor tool? What is the best practice for bringing in Millwork/Casework.

Two - When I put a piece of equipment under the upper cabinets the items lines that are underneath don't show hidden (they don't show at all - only lines that are visible from above shows). I am assuming if I bring the casework into my model then the appropriate lines will show hidden? But I can not copy monitor the items?

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.


2013-11-18, 03:24 PM

For item one: You should be able to tag an item from a linked model. You will not be able to write any data to this object. Otherwise, you can hide their content in plan and place your own. Use the Tab trick to cycle through the selectable content until you get to the sink, select it then type 'EH'.

Fore item two: Depending how they have their content built you may have to use show hidden lines (http://help.autodesk.com/view/RVT/2014/ENU/?query=show%20hidden), limit your view range, set their casework elements to wire frame or turn them off, or live with it. Talk to the Architect, and ask them how they would resolve it. They know their content better then anyone else, so they should be able to give you guidance.

Jeff S.

2013-11-18, 04:14 PM
Thanks for responding Jeff. I have created a Generic tag with a text perameter inside it. Then tagged the linked sink, but the tag will not let me type in my label (it's just blank).

Is this because of what you said about "I will not be able to add info to the family in the linked file"?

2013-11-18, 07:59 PM
You are correct. You can only read data from a Linked model, you can not write to it. Your tag would want to be an annotation (tag) family for 'Plumbing Fixtures' or whatever family category the sink family is. Likewise, if there are any custom parameters in the sink that you would like to display in a tag, you'll need to extract their shared parameters out, and load them into the tag family. Simply stated, you need the exact same parameter in both your family & your tag for it to work.

2013-11-19, 02:46 PM
I'm good on the first issue now - thanks! So with the second issue - I'm putting in floor drains underneath tables with sinks in them. Both items are in my model and the floor drain does not show hidden... How do I tell that floor drain to show hidden when it is under another piece of equipment? (or how do most people get them to show hidden?)

2013-11-19, 07:19 PM
You can use the Line Work (LW) tool to overwrite the line work for that specific view.