View Full Version : Remove lines from viewing a 3D Model

2005-02-25, 04:15 PM
I am having problems working in 3D. Particularly, dropping the isolines down far enough to see just the outline of an object. I have attached a file with two views of an object. What i see and what i would like to see. The problem is not an Isoline variable. I think there is something i am missing that will allow me to show the view without lines.

Thanks in advance.

2005-02-25, 05:27 PM
this may point you in the right direction.....I hope

If you want the hidden lines to show I tend to use the Solview method to make my new viewport .....and then use the SolDraw on that viewport to control what I want to see
(ie...Hidden lines, Hatch.....).....this way if my model changes I just use SolDraw again to update that viewport....

If I don't care about the model updating ......
I create a viewport with Mview and position the model the way I want......and then use Solprof on the viewport (remember to turn the model layers off in that viewport)....

have a look at this thread it may help: http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=15029

2005-02-25, 08:47 PM
Alternatively, you can change the value of DISPSILH to 1 but this will still show only the outside surfaces not the inner, hidden detail.

2005-03-01, 05:20 PM
Thanks guys i have tried both. But. I still can't get the hidden lines to show. I have attached a copy of the file. In the center of the views is a hidden line i drew on PS to prove the ltscale. I have also gone into properties to make sure the hidden line are turned on.

I also learned something new. If you use mview to create the first vp soldraw will not work on the first vp. If you use solview to create the first vp soldraw will work on it and all others.

Here is what i did. I created my object, used solview/ucs/current/scale (0.03125)/pick center point/vp box/named vp to create the first vp.

Then i used solview/ortho and created the right and top vps.

Then i used a save ucs for the isometric vp.

After these were all created i tried soldraw but no hidden l;ines are visable.

Hope you can help out and thanks in advance.

2005-03-01, 10:35 PM
aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh. I think that's how you scream on the web. Well, i fixed the problem but i don't know what it is. Everything below this is a copy of an email I sent to a group of cad teachers that were helping with this too.

Thanks for your help. If you figure out what i did wrong or why i had this problem please send your ideas. I would love to know why it happened so it won't happen again.


Nope not that. The drawing i attached happened to be shaded. I've figured out the problem and a fix. But not the solution.

After Chads email I played with the ltscale. I figured ltscale had to be the problem because i could see the 2d views solview produces beside the object. When i zoomed in and played with the line weight and colour i was able to prove that the lines i could see were definitely on the hidden layer but no matter how i changed the ltscale or the zoom i could not get a dashed line. I could see what looked like segments but the line was always continuous looking. When i zoomed way in or out the line never changed. So. Here's what i did.

I started a new metric drawing from scratch. Created a hidden layer with dashed lines and confirmed the ltscale in both model and PS.
Then i created a 3d object with hidden lines. Used solview and soldraw. Bingo. Hidden lines. After resetting the drawing i inserted my object. Before i used solview i checked that the hidden lines were still working. Ltscale was the same. Then i created the four views with solview and used soldraw. Bingo again. Beautiful, colorful hidden lines were right where they were supposed to be. Now it works fine. I can't find what is different between the two drawings but i must have changed something. One thing of interest is that in the drawing that works the hidden line feature is turned off. (RC/options/user preferences/hidden lines) I think the hidden line feature is for lines of a 3d object that are hidden from the viewer (hidden lines). A little different then lines to be shown as hidden lines in a 2d viewport. I say this partly because of the Halo gap setting and the fact that if you look up the DISPSILH setting it talks about hiding the lines from your view.

Getting confused yet? I am but getting clearer.

2005-03-01, 10:57 PM
I started a new metric drawing from scratch.Hi

I honestly do not fully understand the issue / problem you have explained above (but that's just me being slow on the uptake).

The drawing file you posted has system variable Measurement = 0 (Imperial) therefore the drawing file is most likely based on Linetypes from the Acad.lin file.

Within the drawing file, set Measurement = 1 (Metric), reload the Linetypes from file AcadIso.lin, RegenAll.

Does that achieve the same results as what you have explained above?

If the above is somewhere the mark, you might then want to have a Search (http://forums.augi.com/search.php?) within the Forums for things like -


Have a good one, Mike

2005-03-02, 12:54 PM
In mspace and in each vport set Shademode to 2dwireframe.
Set Dispsilh to 1.
Set plot mode for each vport to hidden.
Now preview it.
I see dashed lines for the hidden parts.

2005-03-02, 03:02 PM
in the begin i want to contact somone who can listen to me ecause i new in this forum ok and i have some probleme in autocad in want know when in can finde the exercice of 3d please help me

2005-03-02, 06:14 PM
in the begin i want to contact somone who can listen to me ecause i new in this forum ok and i have some probleme in autocad in want know when in can finde the exercice of 3d please help meHi

Are you looking for 3D Tutorials?

If yes, give the following threads a try, they contain links to tutorials that should prove useful -

World View (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=7738)

Learning 3D drawings in AutoCAD 2005 (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=7002)

Have a good one, Mike

2005-03-02, 06:40 PM
In reply to Johnbogie he said to

In mspace and in each vport set Shademode to 2dwireframe.

After doing this the hiddden lines reappear. Where could i have changed this feature? Is it tied into something else? What i find interesting is that the hidden lines showed up even in the two viewports that i didn't use soldraw on.

Set Dispsilh to 1.

Did not appear to do anything

Set plot mode for each vport to hidden.

I couldn't figure this one out. I looked up plot mode, tried it as a command plotmode etsc and couldn't find anything. Is this the hiddenlines in user preferences?

After doing these changes it gets me wondering about a better way to show 2d views of 3d objectrs. However, changing the valus as you have stated also makes the isometric view show hidden lines. Where as the isometric view shouldn't show them. More to play with and experiment with. Thanks a lot johnbogie.

As for the reply above mine, I haven't found any good tutorials or write-ups on doing this stuff (going from a 3d object to 2d engineering drawings). In the max help when i asked for hidden lines it was the hidden lines that show up in 3d that where being referred to (user preferences/hidden lines). Very little info on 2d hidden lines. I noticed that mike perry has sent a reply and i'll check them out.

Thanks again everyone.

2005-03-02, 07:37 PM
In reply to Johnbogie he said to ........Set plot mode for each vport to hidden...........
Pick each vport so that they are highlighted. Right-click on any one of them. Select Properties. In the properties dialogue click against "shade plot" and select "hidden".

That should do it.

BTW, if you Shade your models whilst viewing in mspace, be sure to reset to 2dwireframe mode before going to pspace to prepare for plotting. The normal pspace display should not be treated as a plot preview because any mode that is not 2dwireframe will cause just this sort of problem.