View Full Version : 2013 AutoCAD Link - 0937; in text box

2013-12-05, 12:14 AM
Hi, when we link/import an AutoCAD file into Revit we get 0937; at the front of the text. If I mess with the text in AutoCAD and reload the file it goes away sometimes. I've tried lots of little things, modifying the text style, modifying the text, purging, etc. But cannot figure out how to make this go away without editing each text box. This is an AutoCAD file we receive from a consultant and would simply like to link it into our drawings without having to reformat it. The images show the problem, any advice is greatly appreciated.9429994300

2013-12-05, 11:56 AM
Interesting, can you share the CAD file?
Did you try in another file?

2013-12-05, 05:45 PM

That's the file, I've used other files without any problem. Thanks for any help!

2013-12-06, 08:09 AM
Im not sure how your cad file was created but ... here's the content of the cell

2013-12-06, 10:59 AM
This is due to the internal text formatting codes acad uses for its multi-line text (and fields in tables). To get rid of these is a pain - no end. You'd have to edit each cell, select all & right-click --> remove formatting, rinse-n-repeat for each.

You can search for some Lisp which could "clean" these things for you. Do a search in Augi's AutoLisp forum, I think one of the better ones is called StripMText. If you can't find it there, post in that forum - the guys might be able to tell you of others or even modify one for you so it works properly with tables too.

2013-12-09, 07:16 PM
I'm guessing I'm going to get the "why would you want to do that" response, but why not just explode the mtext and use regular dtext in the acad file?
No format, just plain text.

2013-12-10, 04:57 AM
That's probably a good idea, since Revit's going to ignore the formatting anyway. Not to mention, it's converting the table entity into linework and text when it imports/links the DWG - so you won't actually loose that much by exploding the table.

Just one thing, I've found that Revit imports DText a bit different to the font/shape/size of the equivalent MText. You might have to test this to see if it suits your purpose. If it does then exploding is going to make it a whole lot easier to "clean" the DWG before linking it.

2013-12-10, 02:42 PM
Another point to mention is, try to use Arial Text. Revit seems to like that a lot better. It'll convert a little cleaner IMHO.

2013-12-10, 03:03 PM
Another point to mention is, try to use Arial Text. Revit seems to like that a lot better. It'll convert a little cleaner IMHO.Yes, but even more importantly: Don't let ACad have its text style set to a Width Factor other than 1.0 (note this can also be set as an object property override or an internal format code - so watch out for those).