View Full Version : 2014 AUGI - Dynamo for Revit Forum

2013-12-09, 09:53 PM
Had a blast at the AUGI meeting beer bust last week at AU2013! Thanks for the invite guys!
Is there any chance, now that Revit is expanding into the parametric design world, is it possible to create a User Forum for Dynamo and/or Vasari?
Where would one post questions for Dynamo other than the github site?

2013-12-09, 10:56 PM
How did I miss you? and Dmitry and the others I knew were there.

The reason is....... After the business meeting, they marched us into the exhibition hall and mixed us into the 16,000 attendees! How is anyone able to find someone in that mob?

I remember in 2006 and 2007 the party was just AUGI in one room. We wore our avatars on our conference dogtags. Everyone knows me as Mrs Peel.

Had no problem meeting up with people who were mere names to me until then.

[BTW: do you have blisters like I do? They have to shorten the corridors in that place]

2013-12-10, 04:47 AM
My initial reaction is that we have too many forums already, too many divisions. I've been mulling over a reduction in forums rather than expansion. That written, if we see a great many posts focused on Dynamo and it begins to demand its own place then we can consider it. We do have the Conceptual Design Tools (http://forums.augi.com/forumdisplay.php?1185-Revit-Conceptual-Design-Tools) forum now. Let's start by encouraging dynamo related posts go there?

2013-12-10, 09:46 AM
Already asked zach and for now its staying here http://autodeskvasari.com/forum as it is not an official product.
I think it make sense

2013-12-10, 02:01 PM
...Already asked zach and for now...but then it isn't really up to Zach if AUGI creates a forum for it since we are separate but his logic is sound. :)

2013-12-10, 05:22 PM
Cool, thanks guys. I'm not the type of person that's going to push for something that nobody wants. Just started using Dynamo and would like as many resources as possible for it. I'll stick to the conceptual tools forum for now but wanted to get a feel if anyone else had the same idea.
I met up with Melanie Perry since she was the only one I knew from AUGI. We met on the forums and she let me guest-post on her blog about a month ago.

Steve, I didn't get a chance to say hi. Haha, it's like you're always talking with 2 or more people when I'd walk by. I'm on the Central States Revit Workshop committee, we met back in August. I'm sure we'll all meet up again sometime in the future. Just a matter of time, Mike.

Thanks for the answers! Cheers!

2013-12-10, 06:56 PM
So, shall GitHub be more a resource for example definitions, and here be more for questions,,? I hesitate to create a strong division btwn resources.

2013-12-10, 08:50 PM
I think Github is more appropriate to the actual task of coding or sharing packages. If people want to share ideas and links to a Github hosted package that would be great. Forum structure here is meant to mirror member needs and Autodesk products...so if that demands a forum at some point it'll happen. For now I think we've got enough forums...too many even... :) My perspective is based on how much time we spend moving threads around and where people tend to post things.

2013-12-11, 08:24 AM
I think there's a bit of confusion here
GitHub(https://github.com/ikeough/Dynamo/wiki/Learning-Dynamo) : Ian's page with some basic tutorial and the code. The "question" here are about code issues
Autodesk Vasari: (http://autodeskvasari.com/forum) : Discussion forum like what AUGI is. More about the use of.