View Full Version : 2013 Help needed with modelling vertical Movement/Expansion joints in Walls

2013-12-12, 12:08 AM

I've just completed a 3-day course on Revit Essentials and still very new to it all but loving it so far. I've just started a new job and I've been checking window openings/wall panel sizes in plan views to make sure they are set to brick sizes. We have a detail group for representing Movement joints where required (just 5 parallel lines that fit within the 10mm x 102.5mm mortar joint with a piece of text that says MJ. The problem is lining these up with floors above and on elevations is quite difficult so it I've been looking into the idea of modelling the joints using a family.

I've only done basics with families but I have decent understanding of them. I was thinking that perhaps I could place a wall based family that contains a void extrusion and a solid extrusion which will appear to split the current brick outer-leaf and provide a hatched/shaded rectangle that is easily seen on plan and on elevation. I was able to create one earlier at work however it wasn't entirely successful and there are several areas of knowledge that I am lacking in and could do with some advice on:

I added material settings so that I would be able to see the rectangle in plan & elevation and even though the shading mode in these views are set to hidden line, I couldn't get any hatching/patterns visible at all. Is it possible to achieve a solid filled shape within a hidden line shaded view?
Changing the height of the MJ had to be done via editing the instance's parameters, is there any way using a family to control it like a wall by either a) Setting Top/Base offset heights/set the height to stop at a level or B) getting the MJ to attach to top/bottom of the wall like a wall can to a pitched roof?
Can this automatically cut the wall its place into just as window or door does? The tutorial I followed earlier for a family component that contained a void had to use the Cut Geometry tool to create the void each time an instance of it was placed which seemed strange.

Alternatively, is there another method of being able to achieve the same result without using a family component?

I appreciate this might not be what other people would do (apparently others prefer to just stick to 2D representation etc..) however this is something we are keen to at least test out and any help achieving this would be great.
