View Full Version : 2014 Update Title Blocks

2013-12-17, 04:22 PM
I am trying to write a script to update all of my Title Blocks with a new logo and a new date. The location of my title block, which is a block is:

2013-12-17, 04:35 PM
I currently have to update all of my Drawings one at a time--opening the drawing and clicking on the titleblock, clicking on the date and changing the date, and then inserting the new updated title block and choosing redefine.

2021-06-01, 01:47 PM
Hey did you found any solution for this I have been trying this a lot but having the same issue.

2021-06-10, 11:41 AM
Hey did you found any solution for this I have been trying this a lot but having the same issue.

You can write a script that inserts and redefines the existing block with a new block.dwg
The new block needs to have the same name as the old block to redifne it.
You would need to have your block and file names and path, the example shown has the file path X:\

example script code:

"title block file name=X:\title block file name.dwg"

