View Full Version : 2014 View Reference (Detail Callout) w/ leader line and thick end QUESTIONS + VIDEO

2013-12-18, 10:05 PM

I'm setting up my office standard template. We have used autocad forever and are finally trying to switch over to Revit. Luckily from another post I have figured out the whole keynoting, which I will show in the beginning of the video. But now I would like to do something very similar with the detail callouts or "view references" as Revit calls them. The video will show our custom lisp commands in autocad that I want to make very similar in revit, which is just like the revit keynotes.

What I am looking for: Create a view reference that works like the keynoting with leader lines


I am opening to not using view reference and mocking it if there is something easier.

Thanks for the help!


2014-01-23, 11:34 PM
If anyone has an idea or hints/tips it would be greatly appreciated.
