View Full Version : 2014 Multi-Family Unit Stacks

2013-12-30, 10:55 PM

I am new to Revit and I am using Revit LT 2014 to show structural construction documents.

My problem: I link in to my main multi-family building revit project file say an s-unit-a.rvt structural unit file and then I link in s-unit-b.rvt structural unit file. Now I would like s-unit-b.rvt to be on level 2 and stack directly above at the same x and y coordinates as s-unit-a.rvt which is on level 1. We can call this stack #1. Then I would like to copy this stack #1 to other areas of the building that I am creating since other stacks will also be the exact same unit stacks such as a unit stack #3 having an s-unit-b above an s-unit-a.

I do not know how I can change the level that a linked revit project file is on. I have been able to select a linked unit and then select create a group and then change the level of the group in the properties but links alone do not appear to have this ability.

If I do not have to use links like I would xrefs in autocad then that would be okay. In autocad I would have different drawings for each building level and I would have to think 3D in my mind. I thought Revit was supposed to have the capability of having all the levels in one file to view in 3D.

Does anyone know other options that would allow me to create unit stacks that repeat all over the multi-family building as I have described above?


2013-12-30, 11:51 PM
If they were modeled correctly in the Structural Unit files then they should be on the correct levels.....if they are all on Level one all you have to do is create a section that goes through the Structural Units and move them to the level you need them to be on....Easy as that!

2013-12-31, 02:50 AM
cdatechguy, thank you! I was able to move the linked units on the z plane by going to the built in North, South, E., and W. elevations, thanks for telling me about creating the section and moving them. If there is not an option for it yet, it would be nice to change the z plane/elevation height of a link in the properties while in plan view as well.

Also, speaking of modeling it correctly I am not sure I am following any best practice. So that I don't have to change each unit if something changes, I was thinking of doing it the autocad way and linking individual units on each level as if I was xrefing each unit drawing into multiple building level drawings. I read something about groups, can you stack the units in a group? So that if I change a unit in one area or level of the building it will change a unit on another level in another area of the building?

Maybe someone could point me to the best practices/reference/definitive structural resource or book on creating structural construction documents in Revit for wood, concrete, and steel. :)

thanks again,

2013-12-31, 05:38 PM
If the model is linked in, and you modify something in the other model, save, and reload the link it will update just like an xref. Nice thing is you don't have to do this for every drawing/view/construct/etc.

Groups can work too, and they can be placed on certain levels. Just remember to place each group, don't copy them. Copying can create multiple group names and eventually start slowing down your model. (You will see Group(1), Group(2), etc...)