View Full Version : 2014 Import AutoCAD schedule into a project?

2014-01-02, 07:39 PM
I'm using Revit 2014 right now and i was wondering if it is possible to import a schedule I made in AutoCAD into my Revit project? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Dimitri Harvalias
2014-01-02, 09:07 PM
Welcome to the forums.
My first question is what kind of schedule? Is it just a table of text (e.g. Project Data sheet) or is it something you are actually scheduling from the model?
In the first instance you can create a dwg of the table and then link/import into a Revit view. In the latter case, recreate the schedule in Revit.

2014-01-02, 10:06 PM

Is the schedule going to be maintained in AutoCad, or as Dimitri asked, will it be scheduling modeled information? If it is a 'Live' (maintained in AutoCad) schedule, Link it into a drafting view. When it changes in CAD you'll refresh the link and the data will populate. If it is something that isn't live from CAD, link it in, trace over the top of it, and then remove the link. If it is something that can and should be modeled from Revit, setup a schedule in Revit, don't try to keep a CAD file up-to-date with a Revit model, you'll be pulling your hair out in a matter of days.

Revit is a great tool for scheduling things, if used correctly, so when possible do it all in Revit. No matter what people say, I believe wholeheartedly having Linked or Imported CAD in your Revit model is not a good thing, and should be minimized or avoided.

Jeff S.

2014-01-03, 04:04 PM
Dimitri: It is a door schedule.
I went with the "Link CAD file" way and it worked. Thank you for the help!

2014-01-03, 08:41 PM

Is this a door hardware schedule? Or are the doors not modeled in the Revit Model? Are you doing a remodel of an existing space? I guess I'm asking for more information on the project itself, so that we can best help you out.

Jeff S.

Dimitri Harvalias
2014-01-03, 10:35 PM
I'll second what Jeff suggested in his initial reply. If these are present in the model as Revit objects, existing or new, use Revit to schedule them. Don't get stuck in 'in-between' land.