View Full Version : Workset Visibility

Arnel Aguel
2003-11-13, 05:59 AM
Does workset has a global switch for turning on and off in all views? or it is view dependent?

2003-11-13, 06:06 AM
Not that I know of. You could however just not open the workset, that would give you the global effect you are looking for.

Arnel Aguel
2003-11-13, 06:23 AM
Thanks Jim,
I just thought that it would be nice if we have an option to switch workset visibility on and off globally.

2003-11-13, 06:05 PM
When you first create the workset uncheck the visible by default box, then that workset will be off in all views until you manually turn it on.

Typically I have my site workset, rendering workset, dwg import workset, etc. turned off by default.

But I agree it would be nice to make it a global change after its been created. A workaround is to create a new workset(turned off by default) then delete the workset you want off globally and it will ask if you want to delete the objects or move them to a specified workset, specify the new workset and you have what you want.