View Full Version : 2014 Revit novice; Revit link to rvt file has "Import Geometry Not Visible" error

2014-01-10, 01:28 AM
I have an existing Revit file which for the most part works just fine. When I link another revit file, which is supposed to be using mine as a basis for it's origin/etc., I get that error;

"The import geometry will not be visible in the view using the current settings.

The Origin of the import will be centered on the origin of the model instead. You can view the import in any view where its geometry is within the extents."

I'm not sure what this means exactly, except the end result is I can't see any change in my 3D view. Opening the imported file as its own standalone file, I can see the linework and everything seems okay. I assumed that there was some overlap maybe (I expected the new stuff to abut the old) and tried deleting portions of walls to see if I couldn't find my expected imported linework, but nothing. More than anything, I want this in a 3D view

As my title mentions, I'm very much a novice in Revit, much more familiar with AutoCAD; am learning via a book and soon a workshop. Using Revit 2014. The imported file is very simple cosmetic trim to an existing structure.