View Full Version : 2014 Submittals, Shop Drawings, RFIs

2014-01-10, 07:21 PM
Do you manage the status of these items within Revit? What is the best way?

2014-01-11, 04:30 PM
We don't use Revit to manage these, we use a project management software package called ArchiOffice. It handles the entire project management process, its very affordable and easy for non techies to learn.

2014-01-13, 05:39 AM
Yep, I'm also sorry to say that Rvt's doc-management is rather inferior. Usually with DM you need to have a list of recipients to see who's received which version thus far (you don't always issue to everyone in the entire project every time). I've even found just the revisioning leaves much to be desired.

Have used several stand-alone and online doc-managers, some better than others, some more comprehensive, some easier to use - not necessarily mutually exclusive. As a (biased) experience I have to say that the on-line DM's tend to cumbersome in the extreme compared to most stand-alone DM's, though they tend to have more features. To make life simpler in most cases I export the drawing list from Revit and then import that into the DM program - makes manual entry less and removes a lot of chance for input errors.