View Full Version : Collate will not work

2005-02-28, 07:53 PM
I have made a multi-sheet DWF and I want to plot more than one set. I set my number of copies to my desired number but the collate check box is still grey. I have tryed looking in my plotter settings and in DWF viewer's help which says I can just check the collate box but I have had no luck figuring this out. Pleas help if you know the answer. This would make my life so much easier when trying to get plans back from or reprographics company since this DWF file is only 7.5M compared to 75M of plot files for the same job.

2005-05-02, 09:28 PM

Have a browse of the following -

DWF Batchprinter (http://discussion.autodesk.com/thread.jspa?messageID=4035570) - comes via the Autodesk Discussion Groups

Have a good one, Mike