View Full Version : 2014 No detail components

2014-01-28, 10:27 PM
Any ideas why the detail component icon would be unavailable (grayed out) in all views? I can use detail lines, regions rev clouds groups and insulation, but components is always grayed out. This occurs at one workstation only. Other workstations work normally.

Alex Page
2014-01-29, 08:50 AM
Can you use the pull-down on the detail component icon?

2014-01-29, 03:56 PM
Great suggestion. As is common with Revit, the answer lies hidden in plain sight. Minute, easily overlooked, and in no way obvious, but clearly in plain sight. Clicking the pull-down activated the tool. Must have been a quirk of the installation. 4 other 2014 seats didn't have "the problem". Thanks for your help.

2014-01-29, 05:41 PM
Quite often I will see tools that appear grayed out, until I actually click on them and suddenly it will become "active". Doesn't really affect use of the program or tools at all.

The section and callout tools in particular do this all the time.