View Full Version : 2014 Duct riser/drop symbol

2014-01-31, 05:05 PM
I had to change the duct riser/drop symbol in Revit 2014 but when I do go to the settings to do so, it only gives me one option for both riser/drop symbol (both riser/drop symbol have different symbols). Any thoughts?

2014-01-31, 07:15 PM
I had to change the duct riser/drop symbol in Revit 2014 but when I do go to the settings to do so, it only gives me one option for both riser/drop symbol (both riser/drop symbol have different symbols). Any thoughts?

I believe that there can only be a single symbol to represent Rise/Drops, which is defined under each Duct System's Properties. Do you show the Rise/Drop symbols differently regarding Ducts belonging to the same System?

2014-01-31, 08:23 PM
Sorry, I should mention I was pointing out existing entities....they all show up as single continuous line with no hidden line on dropping duct (drop symbol) and same for rising duct (rise symbol)

2014-01-31, 08:30 PM
Sorry, I should mention I was pointing out existing entities....they all show up as single continuous line with no hidden line on dropping duct (drop symbol) and same for rising duct (rise symbol)

OK - that is an issue of Phase Graphics Overrides. Go to the Manage tab » Phases » Graphics Overrides tab. Here, you'll see that a solid line pattern is being applied to Existing elements, which is why you aren't seeing any hidden lines. Remove the Solid Line Pattern to correct this.

2014-02-19, 06:35 PM

I was aiming to not override the entire setting for the Existing piping. When I do change the setting in phases, it changes that setting for all existing piping.

2014-02-19, 06:51 PM
If you wish for a Solid Line Pattern be assigned to all Existing piping, then do not alter your Phase Graphics. Although there are methods of defeating that override with a higher priority override (such as a View Filter), none of them can specifically target the Rise/Drop Symbols whilst allowing the piping to obey the Phase Graphics Overrides. I do not believe that you can accomplish what you seek; you must either live with the Solid Line Pattern on your Rise/Drop Symbols or remove the Solid Line Pattern override for ALL Existing Elements in the project.

2014-02-19, 09:42 PM
its confusing because the New duct drop is showing up with hidden line but not the existing.

2014-02-19, 10:29 PM
Right, because the default Phase Graphics Overrides force a Solid Line Pattern to ALL Existing Elements, whereas, the New Elements are NOT being overridden with a Line Pattern, and thus are subject to other determining factors.

So, let's assume that your Phase Filter is set to "Previous + New". If you go to Manage Tab » Phasing » Phase Filters tab, you will see that New Elements are set to "By Category" while Existing Elements are set to "Overridden". This means that the New Elements are NOT being affected by the Phase Graphics Overrides. However, the Existing Elements ARE subject to the Phase Graphics Overrides according to those defined under the Graphics Overrides tab for "Existing". By default, a Solid Line Pattern is set here, which projects that upon all Existing Elements in all applicable Views.

I know this can be confusing, so if anything I said here doesn't make sense, don't hesitate to ask more questions!

2014-02-20, 08:19 PM
Oh I see, I played around with this section but still it refuses to cooperate.
Oh well I'll explain to my senior....Revit Issues

Hey would you know how to put square root in Revit. I am trying to show m^2 but I want to show a proper small 2 (not with the ^ symbol)?

2014-02-20, 08:35 PM
Hey would you know how to put square root in Revit. I am trying to show m^2 but I want to show a proper small 2 (not with the ^ symbol)?

Try ALT+0178 (on the numpad)