View Full Version : 2014 Slab Tagging

2014-02-05, 10:49 AM
I am trying to create a generic slab tag that reports the slab thickness as a "smart" tag, meaning it tags the actual thickness, and not a value I put in as a comment.

I followed the tips outlined here on this blog: http://revitstructureblog.wordpress.com/2012/06/24/tagging-slab-thickness-in-revit-structure/

The problem with this is that it means the floor must be placed as a generic model, and is not placed as a "floor", its not really an option for me, as for one I've already created my model with complex slab falls, steps etc and I don't even want to consider going back and re-modelling all of them again simply to be able to tag properly.

I've already got a tag that reports a value, but its not a "smart" value, its "dumb" text so if you forget to change this text the tag will report the incorrect slab thickness.

What I noticed is that the generic floor models I have used are system families, I can not seem to edit these anywhere.
I already know how to add the label I need, I just can't open up the system family to add this parameter.

So I guess in conclusion, what I need is to either be able to edit the system family, or have a method that allows the "smart" reporting of slab depth to tag on plan views. I can not do this on a generic model, it needs to be the system family

And lastly, why the **** would autodesk NOT already have a tag that can just report the structure thickness from a system family? Its one of the most basic requirements!

2014-02-07, 09:36 AM
The only available parameter are the ones you see when opening the tag family and setting it to the propeor category. Everything else needs to be done through the API or export/import.

2014-02-07, 10:13 AM
Yes the problem being there is no "thickness" parameter, or anything that would report this depth, so you have to build it into the family, and the only way to do this that I know of, is to not use the "out of the box" families and create new "generic floor" families, but the problem being that I've already modelled all of my floors, steps, falls etc and to change this means remodelling the lot with the newly purpose built family.
I have started at a new place with very little in the way of setup done, and so I began my project with out of the box system families. Its quite simple to add, you open the floor family, you go to an elevation from any angle, you add a dimension top of slab to bottom of slab, add a label to that and make it a reportable parameter. Then you add that to a tag family and bingo, but...I cant do this to a system family, because they are impossible to edit (this isnt true for most system families you can actually edit them if you choose them from the list in the project browser and right click) but with the system slabs, its not possible, I have no idea why.

I've used a work-around for now, reporting out of comments, but there is just risk of error if you forget to change comments or just get them wrong etc. Where there is zero risk of error if you report it directly to the tag. At this point its too late to go back and remodel, I can't afford to lose the time on it, I'll just have to spend some time before next project building a generic family (takes about 2 minutes) that can report this for me in future.

I just wonder why Autodesk haven't taken the time to put in the system family the depth of the slab as a "reportable" value, it defies logic.