View Full Version : 2014 Structural Framing Sub-category Object Styles

matthew g.
2014-02-18, 10:05 PM
Hello all, please see the attached pic. I have set the color and line weight of certain sub-categories of framing to different settings from the primary category (the color change is only for the purposes of this question). However, as you can see, the entities do not honor these settings. I have checked for other overrides that may be on the objects and there are none (I checked Visibility/Graphics, Phases, By Entity, Filters... I think that's it). Just to be certain, I started a completely empty project, no template, and the same issue shows up. Anyone seen this before? Right now my workaround is to create my own Filters based on Structural Usage and applying those filters to each view. It would be a whole lot more simple if I could get the Object Styles to work they way they have for me in the past though.

Thank you!