View Full Version : 2014 In-place sweep acting wonky

2014-02-26, 04:53 PM
I have a wall with a sweep along the top of the wall (flat trim for a top cap). I'm trying to add an in-place sweep that goes around that top cap to create the bullnose edge. I used Pick 3D Edges, and after finishing the sweep it looks fine. But when I finish the in-place family the sweep pops down to some random location, even going down vertically along the end of one wall.

What the heck is going on here??

2014-02-27, 06:15 PM
Dumb questions, but what happens if you try to add that profile to your wall family instead of using inplace?
Only thing I can think if is your path isn't correct. Or is it offset from the work plane? Are yo using a profile to create the sweep or are you doing it by sketch?