View Full Version : 2014 Civil 3d vs Siteworks vs ???

Ed at ELM
2014-03-02, 10:23 PM
I've switched to Revit (and Autodesk for that matter) and am loving it. I've just finished my first serious model and put the building out to bid last Friday. I intended to spend the weekend designing the site so I can get pricing on that piece next week. I usually do the civil design pretty complete (all TBC elevations, finish topo, storm and sanitary sewer design with sizing and flow elevations, etc) before passing it off to the Civil Engineer. All of this I've done in a 2d drafting program in the past and was looking forward to doing it in a 3d model.

I think I found that Revit isn't really set up to do that and so I downloaded the Civil 3d trial and struggled all weekend to make it work. I'm not sure if that's the solution or something like the Eaglepoint Siteworks for Revit. I've found a little advice searching the AUGI forums, but not much. For those who do site design, but don't build infrastructure, what do you use?


2014-03-03, 04:59 PM
The rudimentary site tools in Revit are a well known shortcoming. Better site tools have been at the top of the Revit wish list forever.

There was a rumor going around that Autodesk had created a set of site tools, but when it was presented to management, it wasn't up to AD standards and they dropped it. Like many of the AD rumors, this could be totally off the wall, but it remains a mystery why such an important architectural task remains missing from Revit for so long a time. I was complaining about the Revit site tools TEN YEARS AGO!!!!!

Eaglepoint brought a one hour demo of their site tools app to our local user group and I admit I was impressed. Ever since then I have been joking that Autodesk ought to buy out Eaglepoint and fold their tools into the program. That is a well known AD modus operandi. AU 2013 had several classes on how to work with Revit and Autodesk 3D Civil.

Ed at ELM
2014-03-04, 11:24 AM
Thanks Mike. I spent a couple hours yesterday with the civil engineer getting tutored. I know it's all operator error on my part so far. But, here's my quick uneducated take. The feature lines in C3D are pretty cool. It's pretty easy to put the edges of walks and TBC lines to grade around the building, which I've been doing half the night. If just that function was part of Revit, and then if you could attach a C&G to the feature line and then have an asphalt family (including base and subbase) and attach it to the lip of the C&G family, seems it would all work well. I haven't worked with the pipe networks yet, but at first glance they seem to already be pretty Revit like.

2015-02-13, 10:14 PM
Revit now includes Eagle Works in R2015 R2. I told you so!!!!!!