View Full Version : 2014 Plumbing Fixture Counts

2014-03-04, 08:11 PM
I have set up several schedules based on Occupancy to determine Plumbing Counts. Each schedule seems to work with the exception of the "B Occupancy". I'm certain that others have had problems with the formula. Initially when I created my schedule, I created these parameters: WCMen, LavMen, WCWomen, and LavWomen to calculate the fixtures required. I also have created other parameters for this schedule. When I created the parameters for WCMen, LavMen, WCWomen and LavWomen I created them as a Calculated Value (i.e. Name: WCMen with the following formula: if((Men < 50), (Men / 25), (((Men - 50) / 50) + 2)). This formula seems to be calculating more than it should be. If I have a "B" Occupancy Group Classification and 358 Occupants. 2012 code indicates for water closets I need 1 per 25 for the first 50 and 1 per 50 for the remaining exceeding 50. So, 358 Occupants means I have 179 Men & 179 Women. Therefore 179 Occupants - 50 = 129, 129/50 = 2.58, 2.58+2=4.58, I would then be required 5 Water Closets. Apparently I am missing something with my formula. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. All my other schedules work but this one.

Kim Candelario
Method Studio, Inc
Salt Lake City, Utah

2014-03-04, 08:43 PM

I am able to make the math work in Excel. Could you post a scaled down project file for us to try and help you? Your formulas look correct, so it might be something else.

Sorry I can't help further,
Jeff S.

2014-03-05, 02:28 PM
Hi Kim,

I've been meaning to write a detailed post on this question as I've been taking a very close look at this lately. The bottom line is that when Revit does the rounding it's doing it on each row of data. I'm assuming that in your B_Occ schedule that there are actually several Areas (or Rooms) that are being summarized? If Revit was able to apply the formula only to the total, the math would work. My own workaround to this is to do the math externally and then log the results on either a Level Schedule or in some instances via a 'dumb' Key Schedule. If I can find the time I'll post a video to explain better - hope this makes sense.

2014-03-05, 03:07 PM
Pretty sure this will solve it for you


2014-03-05, 04:03 PM

I am attaching the scaled down project file, this file seems to work, I have modified the walls for the "B" Occupancy and checked the values. Where I was going with this until I experienced a flaw in my main project file, Is there a way that I can total all fixture counts into a single table, I know of a work around, and that is to set up a dummy schedule and manually input those values. At least I got every other schedule to calculate automatically. My next step is to use these working schedules in my current project and have them as part of my template.


2014-03-05, 04:15 PM
I forgot to attach the scaled down project

2014-03-05, 04:23 PM

If you do get a chance to review my scaled down file, I hope it all makes sense, there are several ways to skin a cat, not that I would do that, in the meantime this may work, I am always trying to find ways to simplify. You may notice that I placed a conditional format so that if any spaces change the cell then changes to red and provides an alert. In which I have tied an occupant load label to a room tag.

Thanks Again

2014-03-05, 04:25 PM

Thanks for the info, I will certainly look into that, I am really trying to make the majority of my code related items automatic.


2014-03-05, 05:26 PM
I hear you on that one, I'm all for automation - just trying to save you the effort. Keep me posted if you find anything different, but pretty sure you'll need to go this manual route. See screenshot for my explanation on how Revit manages the calculations versus how I think it should be done.



2014-03-06, 02:38 PM

As Glynnis was saying there is a rounding error inside of Revit. Because you are incorporating multiple rooms into your calculations, instead of looking at the total area for each classification, Revit calculates the values for each and the reports the totals. You could use Area Plans instead of rooms. Or, do a calculation based upon the total area, hard coded into your formula.

Sorry for the bad news.
Jeff S.

2014-03-27, 04:00 PM
Why does Autodesk make this so darn difficult....

They know everyone uses the IBC in some fashion.

if this, if that, Abraham hit me with a wiffle ball bat......

I am at a loss on A-1 with the male to female ratio not being 50/50....can anyone help i have worked out the formulas shown below using 500 Occ as a random number to start with. got it to work just dandy. when i go to flex this bad boy using 800, it doesn't quite round up the way it should....Any help from Anyone in the big wide AUGI world would be great!!!!


2014-03-28, 06:16 PM
OK fellow Reviteers,

So here is the end result I came up with, it uses the 2012 IBC for reference. Please note that these formulas for the most part can be used in schedules as well. We chose a family because it more closely resembles our office standards. Have fun with it, If you use it, make it your own....

Thanks Everyone for the Help!!!!

BIM the World

2015-04-17, 11:24 PM
I've been messing around with these 2 options again today and as much as I wanted the schedule to work I can't find a solution to get the calculated total to return 1 if the actual total is .3375 or similar.

I was however able to get it to work on the family provided by using the round function:

roundup(if((Men < 50), (Men / 25), ((Men - 50) / 50) + 2))

I don't know if this is old news or not but I would love to get it to work in the schedule instead of the family....