View Full Version : 2014 Door - Frame Material parameter

2014-03-11, 08:50 PM
So today I started playing around with our doors. We created a bunch of family catalogs a number of years ago. At that time we added a "Frame Material" parameter to our door families. To when I was looking around trying to figure out what makes them tick, I notice that there seems to be a newly added parameter called Frame Material" Associated with doors. Funny thing is I can't delete. It's an instance based parameter while the one we added a number of years back was a Type Parameter as that's how we wanted to do it.
Can anyone tell me if this is something that Adesk added as a hard coded parameter in say 2013 or 2014, heck maybe even 2012. I don't have those older versions. My bigger question is how do I get rid of it so people are filling out the wrong parameter. We want our doors to be more type based with a combination of type and instance parameter, such as frame material and frame finish. Where the material want's to always be say hollow metal, but the color (paint) can vary by door.
Thanks in advance.

2014-03-11, 09:36 PM
The weird thing is that this parameter is only hard coded into the project files. It is NOT in the OOTB Door template, but is in the Default Project template. I'm sure a lot of firms had developed their door families prior to this rolling out, and has made things complicated for project teams, that are still in the learning process. But, it makes no sense to me why it is at the project level and not to family level. This is not IMHO a parameter that should be forced upon content at the project level.

Jeff S.

2018-04-25, 02:52 PM
I have the same problem in my 2018 project. Frame Material should be a type parameter - that should be the frame material (not finish) for all doors of that type. Otherwise it would be a different type. It looks to be hard coded as an instance parameter grouped in Materials and Finishes.
I will just make another parameter with a different name, and add to all my door schedules - although I can't understand why I should have to.

2018-04-25, 03:03 PM
I've gone way beyond that now.
I have separate parameters for Frame, Panel, Panel Infill, and Frame Infill.
2 sets of them actcually
1 set that's text based so it's easy to schedule. (ie Frame Material Scheduled - Type)
1 set that's there for Rendering (ie Frame Material Rendered - Instance)
Took a while to get everyone on board, but doors are a lo easier to fix these days.