View Full Version : 2014 Set of drawings

2014-03-18, 12:37 AM

Im studying building design in Australia and it would greatly assist me if I could obtain a full set of drawings to use as an example so I can see what the standards are. Is there anyone out there who would be willing to forward me a full set of drawings from sketch design, design development, through to development application and construction certificate drawings?



2014-03-19, 07:46 AM
Scott, I would say this is a big ask - in general intellectual property rights will stop this happening, you'd be better off asking a developer like Hutchies, or Grocon or something as the project managers will have the full set, most single disciplines only keep their own work on file once a project is completed and secondly they are all subcontractors and bound to not give out that information - as I say a project manager or developer will be a better entity to approach for those kind of docs, however you might find an engineer or architect with a small private job they can share with you.

2014-03-19, 08:21 AM
As much as i would love to Scott, it's not going to happen. Like Craig mention, there's way too much involve in sharing that kind of stuff. But if you're ever in Paris feel free to stop by the office and i'll show you some stuff :)

2014-03-19, 12:37 PM
I think dhurtubise's invitation is your best bet... not necessarily to go to Paris, but to contact a local architect near you and meet. Are you a student? This could be an opportunity to do some networking, meet some architects, engineers, developers, etc. and get to know the professionals in your area. Not everybody will make time for you, but in my experience, if you reach out and show interest, somebody will find the time.

2014-03-19, 01:43 PM
This is an issue that comes up regularly, it seems.

Scott, you should look through this site for past postings on this topic. I have posted some lengthy explanations why a request like yours is unlikely to meet with a positive response. Think about why someone might not want to give you such information. Among my projects is a US Embassy. We had a binding non-disclosure agreement with the US State Department. People were curious about what's inside an embassy, as most people never encounter their own country's embassies, let alone someone else's. I would answer their questions "What do you think is inside, the ambassador's office of course!", then quickly change the subject.

I can't send you that project, and many others with similar restrictions attached by the client.

2014-03-20, 06:04 AM
Thanks everyone for the feedback,
I have contacted BDA, Building Designers Australia, and I have someone from there forwarding some drawings from a job that is under construction in my own town, he is a top notch building designer and has said I can call him anytime if I have any questions.

