View Full Version : 2014 Grading with an Artistic Eye?

Patrick G
2014-03-21, 07:22 PM
I think I am a pretty typical engineer. I've always approached contour lines as if they were road centerlines (Tangent, Arc, Tangent, Arc). For my current project I have a 12' tall embankment, I graded it down 3:1 and shaped the contours to minimize the Fill material that we will need. (Makes perfect sense to me.) We go to a review meeting with the city, and thier comment is that this embankment will be on the frontage of the property and it really needs to look nicer than just a 12' tall Wall of Grass. They requested a terraced effect more artistically done.

Okay that make sense. Let's make it look good.

I don't know what the secret is to making grading look good, but I certainly dont have it. I can't seem to get a natural terraced effect to save my life. It must be like the guys who spend 20 minutes on their hair to have it look messy.

Please see attached PDF.
The last page show my first attempt, which is inline with the fact that I picked Duke as the Champion on this years Bracket.
The second page shows my revisions after talking to another engineer, who is definitely more artistically inclined than myself.
The first page shows my creation after I decided to ditch all previous efforts. This time I pretty successfully reproduced an Onion, and still failed miserably at making grading look good.

So I'm going to go home and cry in the fetal position for an hour or two. But I was hoping that while I was doing that, someone here might be able to give me some pointers on how to make this work. Maybe thier is something obvious that I am missing. Or maybe it really does just take years of experience and artistic ability, that I don't have. I think I could do a better job sketching it out free hand, then the problem is translating that back into cad. I want to use Polylines to create a surface from, so I also don't want to use splines.

Any help is appreciated, thanks for reading my post. hopefully this attachment works.

2014-03-21, 07:41 PM
redi-rock retaining wall? build it 3 ft high, then go back a 1v8h for 8 ft, and then use the 3:1 to top of slope.

post a dwf of your orignal, and we can scribble on that

Patrick G
2014-03-24, 12:55 PM
I'd like to avoid a retaining wall, if possible. I think there is enough room to do that. What I was picturing in my mind was coming up 3:1 for 3 vertical feet then having a little landing of various widths and depths at around 3%. Then going up another 3 feet at 3:1 and kind of repeat till I reach the top.

As requested I've uploaded the orginal in a DWF.

It would be great to see what you come up with. But I also need some pointers on how to reproduce it myself. I'm not sure what I'm missing to make things look more natural.
