View Full Version : 2014 Drawing Log for Each Revision?

Armando Martinez
2014-03-25, 07:21 PM
Sorry guys, reposted this in the Revit Platform forum, but very few viewing, so figured it might have a better chance of being answered here. Possibly could get moved by moderator?

I know how to filter a Sheet List to just list by the Current Revision Description or Current Revision Date="xxx Revision" And I've also used the CASE App for Revision Cloud Reporting but what I need to know is how can I create a Sheet List that lists all the individual revisions (not individual clouds) for every sheet in a schedule format. Is there a plug-in for that? How are some of you doing this? In essence what I need is a drawing log for each revision. Thanks!

2014-03-25, 08:25 PM
What you are looking for is the sheet history.

I wrote a lengthy program to do just that in Acad. It would load every sheet and retrieve all the entries in the Revision/Issue table and write them to a database. There are a lot of variables to deal with here because each sheet can have a different set of issues, making the history list variable in length. In my experience, many architects don't fully understand the revision process and the legal ramifications of not keeping it all sorted out. At least not until the RFI and Change Orders start rolling in.

Revit does a nice job of recognizing that there is a master list of Revisions/Issues, and they do not uniformly apply to every sheet. So Revit creates a master list of Revisions/Issues but does not apply it to every sheet automatically. Each sheet will have to be visited individually. For that reason, the master list appears in the sheet properties and you check off only those issues from the master that apply to this specific sheet. The sheets, when plotted, display a table listing of the project history. Unfortunately, I am not aware of any process in Revit that can report this table. I looked at the sheet list schedule, but the columnar format does not lend itself to reporting variable length tables. Such data would appear as rows in a database, not as columns.

The firm I worked for previously always issued the sheet list with a complete issue history as part of the specs. This is why I wrote a program to do it. Maybe Autodesk ought to look into providing a schedule tool for drawing history in Revit. Of course, a Revit API program could be written, if the sheet revision table API is exposed. It would not surprise me that it's not.

2014-03-25, 08:47 PM
We just add a shared parameter (Sheet Issue Index) for each revision along with the revision sequence. I like to make it a text parameter and fill it in with an "X" so it looks the same as we used to have it in Acad. You can also make a 2nd and 3rd schedule to verify that the parameter has been filled out. Filter one by current revision (from rev sequence) and one by the shared parameter to make sure you've got all the sheets. When you're all done you end up with something like this.
Let me know if you have any other questions.

Armando Martinez
2014-03-25, 09:54 PM
What you are looking for is the sheet history.

I wrote a lengthy program to do just that in Acad. It would load every sheet and retrieve all the entries in the Revision/Issue table and write them to a database. There are a lot of variables to deal with here because each sheet can have a different set of issues, making the history list variable in length. In my experience, many architects don't fully understand the revision process and the legal ramifications of not keeping it all sorted out. At least not until the RFI and Change Orders start rolling in.

Revit does a nice job of recognizing that there is a master list of Revisions/Issues, and they do not uniformly apply to every sheet. So Revit creates a master list of Revisions/Issues but does not apply it to every sheet automatically. Each sheet will have to be visited individually. For that reason, the master list appears in the sheet properties and you check off only those issues from the master that apply to this specific sheet. The sheets, when plotted, display a table listing of the project history. Unfortunately, I am not aware of any process in Revit that can report this table. I looked at the sheet list schedule, but the columnar format does not lend itself to reporting variable length tables. Such data would appear as rows in a database, not as columns.

The firm I worked for previously always issued the sheet list with a complete issue history as part of the specs. This is why I wrote a program to do it. Maybe Autodesk ought to look into providing a schedule tool for drawing history in Revit. Of course, a Revit API program could be written, if the sheet revision table API is exposed. It would not surprise me that it's not.

Exactly what I need right now.

Armando Martinez
2014-03-25, 09:57 PM
We just add a shared parameter (Sheet Issue Index) for each revision along with the revision sequence. I like to make it a text parameter and fill it in with an "X" so it looks the same as we used to have it in Acad. You can also make a 2nd and 3rd schedule to verify that the parameter has been filled out. Filter one by current revision (from rev sequence) and one by the shared parameter to make sure you've got all the sheets. When you're all done you end up with something like this.
Let me know if you have any other questions.

I've used this method in the past, but it being a manual process has gotten me into trouble when people weren't diligent upon revising a sheet. I was looking more for an automatic process.

2014-03-26, 01:20 PM
that's why you create the extra schedules. look at the totals on the bottom of the schedule. If they don't match you missed one. I've got 600 structural sheets in this set from the example I post and have been tracking them for some time now. I've used this method on many projects with great results. Yes it would be nice if they would add this feature, but I'm not going to hold my breath for it. I'd rather see a functional rev cloud tool first. One that doesn't take 1000 clicks to draw a cloud.

2014-03-26, 01:38 PM
I've used this method in the past, but it being a manual process has gotten me into trouble when people weren't diligent upon revising a sheet. I was looking more for an automatic process.

That's why I wrote a program. You could run it every day if necessary. It all started with an enormous project that had multiple buildings on the site. The drawing set had over 3000 sheets. No one could keep the drawing list up to date. Sheets that had room sprouted additional details. Sheet titles changed constantly. "North Elevation" became "North and South Elevation" and so on. We had a staff member trying to keep up with Excel, but it was a hopeless task.

Sheet information needs to be a reportable database. Not just the easy stuff like title and number, but relational data like the sheet history and the figures on the sheet. From there you can get more elaborate such as searchable text content and more.

Given that Revit is supposed to be a modeling program rather than a 2D drawing program, I suspect that 2D reporting tools do not have priority at Autodesk. I haven't looked, but there may already be a drawing report tool by some third party available, IF the sheet tools have been exposed by the API. A few weeks back I was complaining how primitive the color fill annotation was. The reason came when one of our regular AUGI correspondents noted that color fill had not been exposed in the API. What you get is whatever the hardwired code can do. I have a hunch that may be true with sheets too!

2014-03-26, 01:56 PM
We just add a shared parameter (Sheet Issue Index) for each revision along with the revision sequence. I like to make it a text parameter and fill it in with an "X" so it looks the same as we used to have it in Acad. You can also make a 2nd and 3rd schedule to verify that the parameter has been filled out. Filter one by current revision (from rev sequence) and one by the shared parameter to make sure you've got all the sheets. When you're all done you end up with something like this.
Let me know if you have any other questions.

What you can do with this approach is export to Excel and write a short VBA routine to make a history list for each Revit sheet. I just did this for View Templates. I have an Excel file that looks exactly like yours above. I run the script and produce one page that lists the categories that are visible on any one sheet view.


Armando Martinez
2014-03-26, 02:41 PM
that's why you create the extra schedules. look at the totals on the bottom of the schedule. If they don't match you missed one. I've got 600 structural sheets in this set from the example I post and have been tracking them for some time now. I've used this method on many projects with great results. Yes it would be nice if they would add this feature, but I'm not going to hold my breath for it. I'd rather see a functional rev cloud tool first. One that doesn't take 1000 clicks to draw a cloud.

Not automatic but perhaps the closest I could get for now. I'm thinking perhaps doing this along with a calculated value and conditional formatting. Sheet on List turns Red if it has a current revision not matching shared param value, I know it's an x but am I getting too dreamy here? haha.

2014-04-03, 09:56 PM
Stumbled onto something. Jeremy Tammik is one of the official Autodesk coders. I have attended some of his developer camps outside of Boston in the past. One of his recent blogs picked up on this exact topic: making revision logs for each sheet in a drawing set. It turns out R2014 DID expose the revision tools to the API. Someone has been working on this very problem. Unfortunately, it's very technical, and it's done in Ruby on Rails. But if that doesn't scare you, here's the link:


BTW: If they're fooling around with this, it's a sign the Autodesk is aware of the issue. Maybe this might turn up in a future release!

2014-04-04, 01:02 PM
I'd rather see a functional rev cloud tool first. One that doesn't take 1000 clicks to draw a cloud.
Time to upgrade to 2015, David. (Well, once it's released, anyway)
The Revision Cloud tool in 2015 defaults to a rectangle. Two clicks and you're done!
The full palette of shapes (line, rectangle, circle, ellipse) is also available.
Plus you can now specify the size of the arc

2014-04-04, 04:36 PM
I heard about that. They finally improved something that users have actually been asking for in masses.

Armando Martinez
2014-04-08, 04:08 PM
Wow thanks Mike! Definitely interested in this Ruby on Rails macro that is not a macro. Seems over my head but I will attempt compiling this code.

Stumbled onto something. Jeremy Tammik is one of the official Autodesk coders. I have attended some of his developer camps outside of Boston in the past. One of his recent blogs picked up on this exact topic: making revision logs for each sheet in a drawing set. It turns out R2014 DID expose the revision tools to the API. Someone has been working on this very problem. Unfortunately, it's very technical, and it's done in Ruby on Rails. But if that doesn't scare you, here's the link:


BTW: If they're fooling around with this, it's a sign the Autodesk is aware of the issue. Maybe this might turn up in a future release!

2014-04-09, 01:56 PM
Keep us posted if you get anywhere with this.

I have been interested in the python/ruby interpreted programming tools for Revit since it was announced. Trouble is, I would have to learn them. My understanding is that Ruby is partly based on Perl, which in turn was based on AWK. I spent 12 years in a UNIX environment and learned the UNIX utilities, so I probably have a crack at python and ruby. All I need is time........

I mastered programming MS Office and AutoCAD in VBA, but Revit raised the ante by using compiled VB or C#, which dramatically increased the complexity of programming Revit. I gave up on that approach. I like the interpreted tools better. Now that they are available, I might take a second look.

BTW: The wiki history of Ruby emphasizes that it is easy to learn.

2016-11-03, 04:02 PM
Hello David

Thanks for your input. I would like to ask a question.
How did you manage to get the date to read vertically, I tried the formatting option and made the column narrow but the numbers still stand upright?

I'm working on a schedule for a project template and want to emulate the excel spread sheet used by the practice. Whats important is that all issue are recorded and the consultants who have had the sheets and when. The sheet numbers, sheet name. scale (a text box), works fine the current revision and the current revision date and the issue date of the current revision. Rivet knows all the revisions in the project their dates of the revision the date they were issued and which sheets they are on. Its just finding a way to extract this information and have it show up on a schedule. I want my schedule to show the history of revisions for the whole project or project stage.
I've made a schedule like you described and will manually put in the consultants and which revisions they have received and when, but if its not automated then what makes it any better than our current practice?
please let me know if you have any further luck with this issue.

Kine Regards

Joesph Kozelka

BIM Manager
John Roberts Architects

2016-11-03, 07:20 PM
Hello David

Thanks for your input. I would like to ask a question.
How did you manage to get the date to read vertically, I tried the formatting option and made the column narrow but the numbers still stand upright?

I'm working on a schedule for a project template and want to emulate the excel spread sheet used by the practice. Whats important is that all issue are recorded and the consultants who have had the sheets and when. The sheet numbers, sheet name. scale (a text box), works fine the current revision and the current revision date and the issue date of the current revision. Rivet knows all the revisions in the project their dates of the revision the date they were issued and which sheets they are on. Its just finding a way to extract this information and have it show up on a schedule. I want my schedule to show the history of revisions for the whole project or project stage.
I've made a schedule like you described and will manually put in the consultants and which revisions they have received and when, but if its not automated then what makes it any better than our current practice?
please let me know if you have any further luck with this issue.

Kine Regards

Joesph Kozelka

BIM Manager
John Roberts Architects

In the formatting tab, change the "Heading orientation" to "Vertical".

2018-10-05, 07:42 PM
We just add a shared parameter (Sheet Issue Index) for each revision along with the revision sequence. I like to make it a text parameter and fill it in with an "X" so it looks the same as we used to have it in Acad. You can also make a 2nd and 3rd schedule to verify that the parameter has been filled out. Filter one by current revision (from rev sequence) and one by the shared parameter to make sure you've got all the sheets. When you're all done you end up with something like this.
Let me know if you have any other questions.

@david_peterson I do not fully understand how you compiled this sheet schedule. Would you be able to share the schedule, or a project that contains the schedule?


2018-10-10, 05:55 PM
I can explain it in a little more detail.
First I create a shared parameter. For this example I'll name it "10-10-2018-CB1001", Set type to Instance, and Text Based. I also create a new group for them in the Shared parameter file called Sheet Index issuance.
Then add the shared parameter to each model you need to schedule sheet from and assign the parameter to the "Sheets" category. I usually place it under the "other" group so they're at the bottom of the properties window.
Then fill out the Parameter for each individual sheet you want to issue. This parameter isn't tied to the revision schedule as it can't be. The revision schedule can only tell you Current revision, nothing previous.
Add the shared parameter "10-10-2018-CB1001" to you sheet index and format it.
You can sort and filter the schedule a multitude of ways. I typically filter by volume so I'm showing all of the sheets that are going to be used in the project and I'll add and display a the shared parameter I've added for each issuance so you get a big grid of each sheet showing every time it's been issued. You can create copies of this that filter by the current revision and the shared parameter so you can see that every sheet that was revised has had the shared parameter filled out. Or you can flip it the other way and show every sheet with the shared parameter filled out to compare against the current revision.

See Additional posts.
Other options