View Full Version : 2014 Selecting all instances of a specific text type in a project.

2014-04-04, 04:50 PM
We are experiencing a problem with people creating text types with names that don't follow our naming conventions. Therefore we have a number of text types that have different names but are otherwise identical to types that already exist. I can't simply rename the offending types because they can't have the same name as the established types. I also can't purge the types if the type is in use in the project. If I could select all instances globally, I could simply change them to the correct type(s) and purge the improper type(s). However, when I tried selecting an instance and using the right click menu to "select all instances in the project" I discovered that it doesn't work for text. So here is my question, is there any way to globally select all instances of a specific text type in a project?

2014-04-04, 07:48 PM
Are you sure you can't select all instances? Works for me in Revit 2013...


2014-04-04, 08:09 PM
Your reply made me take another look and I figured out what the issue was. The project that I am working on has numerous design options. All of the text in Revit appears to exist in the main model. Revit wouldn't allow me to select the text because I was trying to select the text while I was in an active design option. When I went into the main model I was able to select all instances. Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees. Thanks for prodding me into taking a second look.

2014-04-07, 04:06 PM
Happens to the best of us. Worksets + design options + groups + linked models + phases... You lose 1 hour of sleep and bang, all those things catch up with you.
Glad I could help!

2014-04-07, 04:59 PM
The Explorer tool from Ideate should be able to help you clean up any text issues you may be having. You can go by view or project wide. I haven't tried it with groups or design options, but i don't see what it wouldn't work.

Hope this helps,
Jeff S.