View Full Version : 2014 editing request alert

2014-04-07, 07:39 PM
I'm banging my head against the wall on this one - I seem to have a little bubble pop up on my screen any time someone posts an editing request, and also when someone grants one of mine (see the attached image, that window appears in the lower right corner of my screen). I can't for the life of me figure out why I have this but no one else in my office does. I'm the contract manager with Autodesk and our reseller so I'm guessing I downloaded an add-on at some point but I can't figure out which one it is. Does anyone recognize this and can you refresh my memory as to how I got this to work? It's very handy since we currently have several people working on the same project but it would be much better if I wasn't the only one getting these alerts.

2014-04-07, 07:49 PM
I would guess that you have the Revit "Worksharing Monitor (http://help.autodesk.com/view/RVT/2014/ENU/?guid=GUID-5691D9EA-5DC7-42F6-BAB4-9FC02A0C2D64)" Add-In installed on your computer.

2014-04-07, 07:51 PM
I thought that's what it is, but it's different from what I have (and I checked, it's not installed on my machine).

2014-04-07, 08:03 PM
What you are seeing looks exactly like the image in Revit Help (http://help.autodesk.com/view/RVT/2014/ENU/?guid=GUID-6A29E0EC-4720-498F-9C7F-F1BD97DDBABB), which indicates to me that's the default appearance. What are the other users seeing, exactly?

2014-04-08, 02:45 PM
Depending on how many people you have working on your project, editing requests can be a very evil thing. I've seen it shut down our network, lock people out of models for 30min, crash models....... Same goes for the worksharing monitor. If you get to many people (say over 5) working on a project and they all have it open, it can overwhelm your network in a heartbeat. Personal suggestion, get an IM system set up (Pidgen works great and I believe it's free, or google chat) and use that instead.

2014-04-09, 12:36 PM
What you see with the editing requests and pop-ups is the default workflow. All users should be seeing the same thing if they are sending editing requests. That being said, editing requests rarely work without synching with central because a user is typically editing an element if they have it checked out. Are you typically borrowing elements in worksets or owning the workset? This may explain why you are receiving editing requests and others are not. Borrowing is the recommended workflow.

Also, the Worksharing Monitor is a decent add-on that lets users see others active in the worksharing session and their synch times. It can be helpful but doesn't always operate as expected, but I've never seen it lock up a system or network.