View Full Version : 2014 Creating a tag to identify the junction between floor finishes

2014-04-14, 03:24 PM
On one of our projects we have to show a tag/label to indicate how the junction between two floor finishes is made. For example, where two linoleum finishes meet there will be a welded joint (W-UNI), if it were carpet you'd have one of those floor junction profiles (RT-48), etc.... I've attached an image showing what I mean. Ideally I would want to be able to schedule them, which was why I thought of making the parameter part of the door. But where I don't have a door but have two finishes I can't tag it, there could also be open area's where this happens.

Anyone got any idea's or have a method they use?

2014-04-21, 07:33 PM
How about a Generic Line Based family.

It would only be a line with the different conditions as types. You would be able to tag and schedule.

You could also create a subcategory for the line so that it can be turned off in views where its not needed.