View Full Version : 2014 Rotate Specific Plan 180 Degrees

2014-04-29, 07:45 PM
I am working on a building renovation, and I have encountered a challenge. The company we hired to do the as built drafting used an opposite project north from the original structural drawings. I am trying to install the existing structure, but i am finding the task tedious because I am reading the Structural Set upside down. Is there any way to rotate a working view by 180 degrees? how would you approach this obstacle?

2014-04-29, 11:06 PM
One way is to create a scope box and rotate it 180 degrees... then assign the scope box to views.

2014-04-29, 11:14 PM
You could use Rotate Project North to fix the orientation to match the structural documentation. You can also just rotate the view's crop region (which is what using a rotated scope box will do, as Duarte suggests). When you rotate the crop region you need to rotate the crop region boundary in the opposite direction than you want the building to rotate.