View Full Version : Loading families of multiple sizes at once

2005-03-02, 10:22 PM
I like to drag families from an Explorer window into my project, but if the family has multiple size options then how do I load all these at once. When I drag the family icon, I only get one size.

Through the load command, it's a bit tedious navigating to the directory and then highlighting all the sizes.

How can I load all family sizes at once?

I want to set up some templates, so I have quite a few families to load!


2005-03-02, 10:42 PM
If the family has multiple types via a type catalogue, you can load all at once by clicking the "all" button at the top of the columns. ( each column can be independently selected. )

2005-03-03, 07:43 PM
Thanks. Its still tedious loading the families this way.

I've noticed a text file which contains the familys' dimensions - I don't suppose that this can somehow be dragged into the project from the Explorer window?

2005-03-03, 09:23 PM
That text is the "type catalog".

It loads in all the various combinations of sizes for the family ( see image in my post above).

By selecting "all", the entire range of family types ( all the sizes ) are loaded at once.

Give it a try.