View Full Version : 2014 Transparent massing & Ambient shadows (Glitch?)

2014-05-08, 11:18 AM
I have discovered something in Revit. I am looking to see if anyone else on the forum has come across this and more importantly, if anyone else is able to replicate it. I have tested this on 2 different computers now, both with identical results.

Attached are 2 PDF's, one where there massing overlaps the walls, the other, it does not. I can replicate this behaviour by simply turning on ambient shadows for the view (via the graphic display options). Very bizare and as it happens, very inconvenient for presentation drawings our office is trying to setup.
I would be very grateful if others could try placing a mass behind an object and printing the view to PDF. one with ambient shadows on, the other without and see if you can replicate what I am seeing. Even more bizare, on screen, it shows the reverse of what will print.

Thanks in advance for any help.