View Full Version : 2013 door family issues

2014-05-15, 10:03 PM
I've ran into an issue where I was using the ootb single flush door, but I wanted to revise it slightly to show as a raised 6 panel door in elevation.

Seemed simple enough, but rather than working with extrusions, I used symbolic linewaork on the face of the door extrusion. I locked some dimensions to the edges of the door so the panel size would remain constant with different size types.

The issue is that for some reason, the plan linework of the door has gotten messed up.

I deleted all the lines and dimensions from the door family and reloaded it into the project, but it doesn't want to fix it. (even overwriting the parameters)

I guess a broke some kind of constraint lock, but can't find where to fix it

I've posted a screenshot and the family file if anyone can help me figure this out.

edit: I went to another file (with the same family name) where the family is behaving correctly and tried to reload it to overwrite my 'edited' version, but that didn't work either

2014-05-15, 11:41 PM
Here, I’ve fixed that for you. I’ve just redrawn swing and panel symbolic lines locking them to the ref. planes (or wherever they need to be locked). Take a look at Steve’s tutorial (http://revitoped.blogspot.com/2013/08/a-doors-life.html). Door won’t have any secrets after going through this handout.