View Full Version : 2014 Compare equipment count to brief

2014-06-05, 09:54 AM
Hello all,

I am sure I am not the only one wanting to do this, but I cannot seem to find it by googling it.

I want to be able to have a schedule with the following columns
Brief requirement count (user entry)

And then be able to create a conditional format so that it highlights, for instance, in red if I am underproviding a particular amount of equipment type.
I have found that I cannot use the Count parameter in formulas so I created a Shared Parameter CountCalc which I then enable totals counting. The problem is that if I add a Calculated Value field to the Schedule (Brief - CountCalc) the end result turns to be wrong. I can only get an instance calc or an overall count (if I check the calculate totals for this one as well)

Any of you guys out there have faced this before?
Any insights?

Many thanks in advanced for your help, or shared concern :)