View Full Version : Room Tags

Kirk Bricker
2005-03-03, 04:30 PM
If I have 1st floor plan new (showing existing, new construction)
1st floor demo plan (showing existing, demo)
1st floor plan existing (showing existing only)

My existing room tags are on the 1st floor plan existing, which has existing as my phase.

In my construction documents, I am not showing the 1st floor plan existing as a sheet. I am only showing 1st floor plan new, and 1st floor plan demo.

I would like to show my existing room tags in my demo plan, but I can not because of my phase. Can I create a Demo Room tag that gets its info from the existing phase (Name, Number), and place it into the demo plan, with a new construction phase.

2005-03-03, 07:04 PM
If the existing data was created using true Revit modeling, you should be able to copy the existing room tags from your "existing view" to the demo view. The reason being is that most annotations, text, and dimensions are view specific. There may be other ways to approach this, but this is how we have handled similar situations in our office. I would also like to hear how others do this.

David Conant
2005-03-03, 08:21 PM
All rooms are phase specific. This must be so to allow for rooms to change identity (name. number, etc) or for a new room to take the identity that a different room had as a project evolves. It means that rooms must be defined independently in each phase even if they are unchanged.

You can copy room tags from a view in one phase and use Paste Aligned to place the copies in a view of another phase. This will create rooms in the new view with the same data as those in the first view.

Kirk Bricker
2005-03-03, 10:21 PM
If I copy my Room Tags from my Existing floor that has Existing as my phase, and I paste these room tags into my demo view that has a new construction phase, and some demo walls, it makes new room numbers and names. In the revit tutorial on "Using Phase-Specific Room Tags" line 8 shows Room 4 (Southwest corner and Room 6 (South east corner) under the Existing Phase. Then as you go to line 16 as Demo it shows a new Room number 7 and 9 where there should be the existing room numbers listed in line 8. These rooms 4 & 6 are still existing room names and numbers they are not changing until you get to new construction and they are listed as new rooms.