View Full Version : plot tracking

2003-11-14, 10:23 PM
Has anyone ever used plot tracking with Revit. We're hoping for a simple way to track plots off the computer instead of memory. What software do you use? Any help would be appreciated.


2003-11-15, 12:18 PM
There is a date stamp label you can add to your sheet. I don't know if the program stores each use of the stamp. It would be nice if it did.

2003-11-15, 11:11 PM
It would be more useful if the date stamp also listed the file and path.

Thats something every "basic" CAD package does.

Arnel Aguel
2003-11-16, 01:30 AM
It would be more useful if the date stamp also listed the file and path.

I vote for that too.

2003-11-16, 11:28 PM
Its there but you are just not looking! Every command that you do is listed in the Journal Data: path, elapse time, name of project, etc, etc.
I know some people trash these, but probably worth keeping?
If you wish you can make this data a little more palatable by the use of a spreadsheet program e.g. Excel. Excel is very good at sorting this type of data, you just need to tell it to look for a particular string of text or command. With data in hand you then form a little database of what ever you want, e.g. average number of commands per hour, last saved path, latest printed drawings. Come on Revit this is not so hard, get your act together! :?

2003-11-17, 12:03 AM
Yes, the information is there and just needs to be made available within Revit as a user defined table/schedule/stamp - whatever.

2003-11-17, 12:58 AM
I would personally, rather than an open API, see a SQL editor and the data scheme for the entire Revit database. Then give us support for embedding SQL results in the annotations. Sort of like Access...you can use just the wizards, but they will ony get you so far. If you write the SQL yourself, anything is possible.

2003-11-17, 12:57 PM
I like your analogy Greg, I've done a lot with Access over the years and that would be comfortable for me. Revit is really a sophisticated report generator where our drawings are the report instead of the usual spreadsheet and forms for text.

A macro method to automate tasks and a query tool for customized reports, those are interesting to me.

2003-11-17, 01:38 PM
What kind of SQL editor you envision? Existing ODBC exports entire database to SQL capable engine of your choice. Can you elaborate and give some specific example of intended use?


2003-11-17, 02:29 PM
All that is being asked for is the ability to record plots, including the date ploted, billable/non billable, sheet size, job number. The software that comes to mind is ARGOS it works with autocad and is a pain but gets the job done.

Dimitri Harvalias
2003-11-17, 05:46 PM
I am doing some work for an office that uses a program called Laser Trak which works very well to record all info during a plot session. Date, number of copies, print size, media type etc. The only drawback is that it doesn't seem to handle batch plotting a la Revit. Each plot requires an 'OK' to proceed. Once again, a pain in the backside for any large job, but OK for one off plotting.
I find a simple spreadsheet set up can do the trick as well as any of the commercially available programs. Just open it up during plot sessions and enter info as required. Sum it up at the end of the month and include a printout for the client attached to their invoice.

2003-11-17, 06:02 PM
What kind of SQL editor you envision? Existing ODBC exports entire database to SQL capable engine of your choice. Can you elaborate and give some specific example of intended use?


Off subject of the original post, but I feel that this would be a key improvement over time...

Basically, I envision that instead of having to export via odbc to interact with the database, if there was a SQL editor within Revit that allowed me to write a SQL query and then use the results in annotations, I could use this for a lot of things that would otherwise have to wait for new releases to unlock access to that functionality.

For instance, I could write a count query to give me the number of sheets in the project where the name is within certain parameters (thus allowing me to weed out the 11x17 sheets from the 24x36 by excluding all sheets that start with a 0) and where the "Sheet appears in Drawing List" value is nil. This is just a single example. I would then be able to pull info out of the database that is otherwise inaccessible. Access works like this. You are working in the database (Revit project) and you have the ability to use the wizards (Revit tools) or to directly edit/create your SQL statements in design view.

2003-11-17, 06:58 PM
I use print audit. Works with any program and records batch plots and can be set for multiple plots without hitting OK everytime. Great program and easy to use.


2003-11-17, 11:34 PM
As a practice we seem bound and determined to keep certain things in our drawings as opposed to the specification books. Like door schedules for example. So until we can get that sort of data out of drawings, probably never...the ability to create reports, format them and put them on drawings is a desireable feature to me.

I've discussed before the idea that I'd like to be able to cull the glazing data for windows and room area to evaluate light and vent requirements for habitable spaces and put it ON the drawings...not through export and insert image melarky. We need a little more sophistication from schedules to achieve such a report.

Since it is difficult to identify every scenario one might cook up to report data from a model, it might be a good idea to make it possible for an enterprising user to do so themselves. (not Crystal reports though... :wink: )

The key for me is to avoid the disconnect of exporting data to manipulate it and have no efficient way to put it back in. I'd rather be able to manipulate the data within Revit and put it on my documents and export it only for someone else to use if desired.

So have I written enough without saying anything? :D

2003-11-17, 11:57 PM
We use SmartPlot from Technesis. It reports on anynumber of printers, plotters with the ability to use billable/non-billable, job, phase, paper type and notes.


2003-11-18, 03:31 PM
So have I written enough without saying anything? :D

Are you asking about this post or all of your posts? :) :) (Sorry, but I just couldn't resist a set-up line like that.)

2003-11-18, 03:48 PM
Ouch...that hurts Robert, you're off my Christmas card list now :twisted: I guess I deserve it if I set myself up that well huh? Careful in the future I could get you "banned"...but Z would probably tell me to behave myself and let you back in... :D