View Full Version : 2013 Combining Overlapping Walls

Marcellus Ludivus Servus
2014-06-13, 08:24 PM
Im hoping there is an easy button for this; I have a concept floorplan that I made very quickly and I didn't have time to make sure all the geometry was clean. I used a standard room module to create a residential building and I now how alot of overlapping walls where I mirrored or re-mirrored elements in the module, e.g. party walls. There are alot of walls to delete. Is there any command that deletes or combines extra walls if they are the same wall type?


2014-06-13, 08:41 PM
Sorry, no there isn't a clean up my mess feature. :( Messes are subjective and Revit wouldn't know which things mattered more or less to you. Sorry.

2014-06-16, 04:55 PM
You could probably do this with Dynamo if you could figure out the logic behind it... I'm thinking identify all walls in the same plane, compare lengths, delete (or create a selection set for you to delete) all but the longest. You'd need something in there about dealing with walls that are in the same plane but are on opposite sides of the building but it should be doable.

2014-06-17, 10:57 AM
You'll want to go around and clean it up really, as until you do that, schedules, phases etc will be somewhat unreliable.

I've found that deleting things is faster than drawing things. ;-) Best of luck.