View Full Version : 2014 Toposurface - Create From Import Ignores .DWG Linework

2014-06-18, 12:14 AM
I am trying to generate a comparison between E / N Grading in my revit model. For some reason, when trying to create a surface from the E Survey, Revit ignorse certain portions of some contour lines. This is causing my sections to read incorrectly. how do I get revit to use all of the lines to generate the topo?95874

2014-06-18, 06:48 PM
Limbatus, what layers are they different lines on? When I use the topo tool Create from Import, it brings up a dialog to select the layers I want to use. I'd guess the lines are not on the layer you think they are on.

2014-06-19, 09:54 PM
Does anyone ever have everything in the right layer? That's one of the reasons for swapping Acad for Revit.

2014-06-23, 01:32 PM
I have come to the conclusion that whatever contours are shown in a survey file are mostly rubbish anyway. These days I try to use the points, or a points file from the surveyor, so that Revit will interpolate its own contour lines, since that's what they did in the first place - they input their points and AutoCAD or whatever program they used interpolated the contour lines. I find Revit to be more accurate if it's interpolating from survey points rather than trying to be forced to put a contour line here or there.

Of course sometimes you have to add points to correct the surface shape and the resulting lines, but IMHO that's still the best way to do it.