View Full Version : 2014 How to Create a Repeated Pattern On (X) and (Y) ?? HELPPPPPPPP :)

2014-06-24, 11:23 AM
Ive a lot of Motif panels in my Project (ref to : Pic 01 attached) and i need to create a one family -instead of creating more than 26 type- to be extend in the (X) and (Y), ive thought of creating a line based family and use Array parameter to be extend according to the length (ref to : GRC Family attached) and i used a Mask that doesn't work :? to hide Part i dont want to be shown .....and it doenst work on the (Y) axe....i need other options to create this kind of family...
Thanks In advance..

Duncan Lithgow
2014-06-25, 09:44 AM
Why aren't you using a custom model pattern? They have a set size in the model and can be aligned as needed. Looking at the lovely geometry I'm sure it's a repeating pattern. Anything else will be tricky to get working without a terrible overhead in the model.

I don't know of any free programs for making pat files for model patterns, but you've already drawn it so you could measure it and write the pat file yourself. Otherwise there's Hatch22 which was free up to RVT version 2012. IM me if you can't find that version and have a working Revit 2012 installation.

2014-06-27, 12:08 AM
hatchkit 2014 has a free public beta, and apparently greater compatibility with revit. try that out.

2014-06-27, 07:07 AM
You call them "motif panel", are they curtain wall panels?

2014-06-27, 01:41 PM
Would it be a decorative design on the glass panels of a curtain wall? Or, are you looking for this pattern to be the wall?

Duncan Lithgow
2014-06-27, 04:17 PM
Surely he wants a panel above different door sizes, that's what it looks like in the pictures to me. So it's a piece of carved/machined wood - trelliswork I think is the european term. A curtain wall pattern woudl otherwise be ideal - but not for a motif panel, for fenestration. I see no concievable reason to model that in 3d, which is why I suggest a model pattern ... although now you've got me thinking of how it'd tackle it if I had too... hmmm.

Maciej Wypych
2014-07-03, 06:19 AM

You can use hatchbuilder (link below) to create a pat file. It's a bit clunky but it does the job.


