View Full Version : 2014 Spot elevation tag: current level is not current?

2014-06-28, 08:23 PM
Hello all.
Can anybody explain me why my Spot Elevation Tag measures elevation from Level 1, not from current level which is Level 2 (please refer to image attached for details)?
Thanks beforehand.

Maciej Wypych
2014-06-30, 12:08 AM
It's because you are marking the spot elevation in the section. You need to tell Revit which level you are referring to - change the relative base to Level 2 and it will work.

2014-06-30, 08:19 AM
Hello, Maciej.
Thanks for responding by post.
Unfortunatelly I can't "tell Revit" which particular level I'm referring to as Relative Base parameter within View Properties tab provides me with to options only: Current level and Level 1. Can I add Level 2 that I'm referring to in this list somehow?

2014-07-01, 09:45 AM
When you place the Spot Elevation, if you are using a Relative type, you can change the Relative level in the option bar

Duncan Lithgow
2014-07-01, 07:13 PM
Here's a picture of what dhurtubise said, you just need to change it from 'Current Level' to a specific level. How is Revit supposed to know in an elevation which Level you want to reference? Actually you marked the thing you need to change already - try it!


(I thought I'd add that because I've never used Relative Spot Elevation - so now I know how they work too ... )

2014-07-05, 02:54 PM
Duncan, dhurtubise,
Thank you very much for your answers and sorry for not responding them for long time. Unfortunatelly I can't do what you recommend because my Spot Elevation properties tab provides me with 2 options only: Current level and Level 1. Building consists of 4 levels: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and Roof Level. My Spot Elevation tag refers to object located on 2nd Level, so Current level for this particular instance is Level 2 ... but Revit thinks that Current level now is Level 1. I don't understand, why. So, issue is open so far.

2014-07-07, 05:58 AM
Can you post the model? I can only see 2 levels from the initial screenshots

2014-07-08, 10:21 AM
Thanks for input. I guess now what's happening there, I will check it later and post an update.