View Full Version : 2014 Can't copy light fixtures

2014-07-05, 09:08 PM

Within a design option, I have a GWB ceiling and a couple of light fixtures on said ceiling.

If I copy the first fixture using the copy tool, instead of copying it to where I move my mouse it duplicates it and says I have two instances in the same place. This is a ceiling-based light fixture which is not cutting the ceiling.

The section fixture is also ceiling-based but is recessed and thus cuts the ceiling. When I try to copy it over a few feet I receive an error about not being able to cut the host.

For either fixture, if I right-click and select "create similar", I can place new fixtures wherever I click on the ceiling.

What's stopping me from using the copy tool with luminaires?


2014-07-05, 10:07 PM
...Instead of creating an array in about a minute, I'm having to spend two hours placing and correcting the position of every fixture.

There has to be an easier way....???

2014-07-06, 03:52 AM
I've just noticed this seems to be a problem on a GWB ceiling but not an ACT ceiling.... ??

2014-07-08, 04:53 AM
I'm not sure I've noticed that issue before.....I'll take a look and see if I get the same result.

I will say though, if it's only with the GWB and not ACT, change the ceiling to ACT for the purpose of the Array and then when done placing the lights, change over to GWB.

2014-12-10, 08:11 PM
Reviving this old thread, as we just encountered this issue today in Revit 2014.

Suspecting a flaw in the OOTB GWB on Mtl. Stud ceiling, I deleted the type from the project and rebuilt a new one, only to encounter the same problem. On a hunch, I applied a surface pattern to the GWB material (the ACT material has a surface pattern, and that works fine). After applying the surface pattern, copying lights in the GWB ceiling works just fine. It seems that lights copy correctly in Basic ceilings and in Compound ceilings that have a surface pattern. Odd behavior to say the least.