View Full Version : 2014 Light + Dark Active Theme while Worksharing

2014-07-07, 09:29 PM
I'm working in an office that is switching from ACAD to Revit. I was just hired to lead the transition, but all the people i'm training want to use the dark active theme so that their Revit looks like autocad for some reason. The trouble i'm having is that white and black filled regions have the opposite visibility, when I change the type properties of a region so that it looks correct on my screen, it becomes incorrect on their worksets. is there are good way to work around this, or does everyone need to use the same active theme while collaborating?

2014-07-08, 12:05 AM
Should still print the same... I have a guy here who does the same (though for different reasons) and we've never had a problem.

2014-07-08, 02:39 PM
Ask them if they will print on a black sheet? Revit is a WYSIWYG hence the white background. A little effort and you will never go back to black.
As for your issue, it's irrelevant because it's just the way it display on the screen ot the way it prints... on a white piece of paper ;)

2014-07-08, 07:02 PM
I agree that a black screen can be somewhat easier on the eyes, but after 10 years of Revit, looking in a consultants' Revit file with their background set to black just looks... odd.