View Full Version : 2014 Calculated value using a count just not working

2014-07-15, 01:31 PM
I have been trying to get a calculated value to work with major issues. I want to use a count and then subtract it from an integer to determine a quantity needed. Any ideas? I am desperate here.

2014-07-15, 01:36 PM
The Count field cannot be used in a formula, and your Box Count parameter is a simulate of that I'm assuming; basically, you have it set up where each element has a manual entry for Box Count and then the Calculate Totals is enabled in the Schedule for it?

2014-07-15, 01:46 PM
Yes, Box Count is the "Count" field. Not being able to use it in a formula really is not the answer I was looking for. I need the calculated total to be be subtracted from a set integer. Any ideas?

2014-07-15, 02:00 PM
There isn't really a way to accomplish that because the calculations are done on an instance-by-instance basis, and not by the totals you see on the screen. If you disable the "Itemize every instance" option, you will see what the calculations are truly doing.

Revit wrote:
The field "Count" cannot be used in formulas.

When multiple elements appear on the same schedule row, formulas are evaluated and then the results are combined. Count is only meaningful for the row as a whole, not for individual elements.

The only solution I can think of is to create a Project Parameter "Manual Count" (Integer) that will have to be manually entered and maintained. Basically, you'd show this field along with Count and then type in a value to match the value in the Count field. That way, the total value resides within the element(s) and can be included in the formula. The major downside would be that if more are added or some are removed, you must manually correct the "Manual Count" parameter.

edit: if "Box Count" is a parameter that you created (and not just "Count" renamed in the schedule), then use that instead of "Manual Count" above.

2014-07-15, 02:50 PM
OK - so I have a manual count - integer - I turn off all boxes not on shelves (have to have a schedule for them is why they are there); manually fix my integer manual count to equal count; turn back on boxes and I can set up a calculation value for what I need.
Thanks for the help again, CADastrophe!