View Full Version : 2014 Window opening marker

2014-07-16, 07:22 AM
Hi, I have adapted a stacking sliding door to use as a window. I downloaded the door from a website. I can't work out how to move or turn off the opening direction markers that are now in the wrong position as shown in the attached photo. Any ideas?

2014-07-16, 01:48 PM

Are these coming from the family? If so, that is where you go. Could you possibly upload your family?

Jeff S.

2014-07-17, 12:38 AM
Thanks Jeff, I have tried to fix the issue in "edit family', if this is what you mean, but there is no sign of the markers being there at all. Also Im not sure what you mean by 'Could you possibly upload your family?' Do you mean to 'load into project', after fixing the problem in edit?



2014-07-17, 04:03 AM
Also Im not sure what you mean by 'Could you possibly upload your family?' Do you mean to 'load into project', after fixing the problem in edit?
Upload the family here (forum), so we can take a look at it, and look for the issue.

2014-07-17, 12:36 PM
These are probably symbolic lines, and they will therefore only show up in elevation. If you were looking for it in 3D or plan views you would not have seen them. Otherwise, they might be on a subcategory that is turned off in the family editor.

Give those a try and report back to us what you find.

Jeff S.

2014-07-19, 08:25 AM
Sorry, But can you give me a quick instruction on how to upload the family onto to the forum.


2014-07-19, 08:27 AM
I have gone into every subcategory in the family editor to try and turn them off without any success.

2014-07-19, 03:50 PM
Sorry, But can you give me a quick instruction on how to upload the family onto to the forum.
Please read this (http://forums.augi.com/faq.php?s=&do=search&q=Attachments+and+Images&titleandtext=1&match=all).