View Full Version : Version 2015 Install

2014-07-16, 05:33 PM
We are looking at installing 2015 on the Network. What are the things we should be aware of? We have only two licenses in the office but we do have issues with having plotting and such look and behave exactly the same.
Thank you

2014-07-16, 06:15 PM
With only two licenses (rather two seats of the same license as they do it now), unless you anticipate the need to rapidly expand that for several more users, I wouldn't bother with network deployment personally.

Perform the installs on each client, and bootstrap them to load your production profile(s) via Acad.lsp copied into the install folder, and custom Application Icon(s) copied to user's desktop. Lemon squeezy.

Not sure of your network/domain's share folder implementation, it is common in my limited experience that company data be located on the network in a read-only location (only CAD Admin has full control), and user's settings stored to either local disk (which is not usually backed up), or personal network space (which is backed up) and mapped into your production profile. That makes portability (i.e., hop into the conference room laptop for a client meeting), and replacement easy after a hardware failure.


2014-07-23, 04:56 PM
Hi Blackbox,
We have two but will be expanding. Might as well learn the ropes with two.
Thanks for the help.

2014-07-23, 05:15 PM
This may be of particular use as you move forward:


Are you the Contract Manager for your subscription?