View Full Version : 2012 Multiple Area Plans - How?

2014-07-16, 08:08 PM
So I have been asked to help calculate the Gross Area for a building we designed. The project already had Life Safety Plans (LSP) that utilized areas. So new area plans were created to do the Gross Building Area take offs (GBATO) based upon AIA D101-1995. My problem is that I can't get the GBATO's & the LSP areas to play nice. I have tried placing them on different worksets and filtering the views & schedules, but that only helps the graphics, it doesn't solve the root issue. The root issue is that the boundary lines from the LSP's interfere with the Areas for the GBATO's. It was suggested to create a new phase, and place the GBATO Boundary lines and Areas there. I thought I should create a new file and link in all my building models and do the GBATO's in there.

Do people use multiple Area plans in the same model?
Has this feature been improved in later releases?

Other thoughts & Ideas?
Thank you in advance,
Jeff S.

2014-07-16, 08:28 PM
You might find this blog post helpful: http://revitoped.blogspot.com/2014/07/new-area-schemes.html.

2014-07-16, 08:43 PM
So basically, once a view is created as a certain Area Plan type, I can't change it. :(
Well at least I don't need to create a new file.

Dimitri Harvalias
2014-07-16, 11:40 PM
For each unique set of boundary lines you require a new area scheme. You can copy/paste aligned the boundary lines from one scheme to another if that saves any time.

2014-07-17, 12:15 PM
I think this is going to have to be a lessons learn post on our internal forums. If you're going to use Area Plans for Life Safety, set up a new scheme first for it. I unwittingly modified the Life Safety Plan boundary lines when I was working on the Gross Area plans. Good thing we have 60 days of backups internally, and years worth externally. I only need to go back to Sunday to recover the file.

Thank you for the help!!!
Jeff S.

2014-07-23, 09:29 PM
So now that I've finished the area plans, I am doing my write up on the subject to improve workflow. But, I'm stuck on where the rules for area calculation come from. Where can I modify the lists of space types or rules for area calculations based upon code different code requirements. I have to be missing something here.

Thank you in advance,
Jeff S.

Dimitri Harvalias
2014-07-24, 08:49 PM
the 'rules' are hard wired and can't be modified and, in my opinion, they provide limited functionality.
The basic difference between the two default schemes provided in Revit is that when you have Revit Automatically create boundary lines associated with external walls in the 'gross' scheme the lines will be located to the outside face of the wall and in the Rentable scheme they will be placed on the interior face. the descriptions provide din the Area Scheme dialogue have no bearing on how the automatic placement of lines occurs or how areas are calculated. I believe user created schemes default to Rentable behaviour

2014-07-24, 08:54 PM
the 'rules' are hard wired and can't be modified and, in my opinion, they provide limited functionality...
I believe user created schemes default to Rentable behaviour

This is my experience as well. I was just hoping I was missing a dialog box somewhere. :(

2015-02-25, 05:04 PM
How do you create more than one gross area scheme? I want to do more that one gross scheme but it will only let me make endless rentable schemes.

2015-02-26, 06:49 PM

Basically you can only have one Gross Area Scheme, as you've experienced. I was going to attach a writeup, but I think I've reached my limit of uploaded content. Any moderators able to help me out with that?

Jeff S.